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25th Anniversary of the Million Man March THE IMPACT ON EUROPE

 25th Anniversary of the Million Man March                             THE IMPACT ON EUROPE 

@Abuy Nfubea

The first thing, I want to say is thank the NOI European representative Abdull Hakeem Mohamned, and the Honorable Minister Lois Farrakhan, my beloved brother Lionel and Sister Benji, from Amsterdam to bring me to this conversation. Is an honour  for me We will talk about The impact on Europe  of the Million Man March.  In its 25th Anniversary             


I want to make clear is that the MMM is one of the greatest historical facts that must be elevated by African historians and Kemitic historiography to the category of myth. And as such a myth it was a story that is neither true nor false but whose function was to produce an Afro function. MMM created a new political and spiritual  or global identity and that was done in such a way in the subjects that it is imposed that this imaginary identity ends up completely displacing and supplanting to reality and in the best of cases  and made the dream that it was imposed imaginary neocolonialism.  His "outrage" was fueled by SELF-LOVE and humanistic brotherhood. MMM is configured, as an alternative and powerful myth, in front of the old myths of the American dream or as today Trump "make America great again", that the new generations of rappers like Rodney King or Goerge Floyd felt like the rhetorical landscape of some white Power, the same oligarchies that "kidnapped" democracy, using the "citizenship" MMM is presented on the contrary as a milestone in which THE SLAVES, objects, finally regain the prominence of History, that is, their own subjectivity. How was the before, after, during, the phenomenon and the experience? What does this October 17th anniversary mean as blacks? What does it mean for Pan-Africanist ideas?


Do we remember how their moment was, how we lived it, the particular experience, if it was predictable or surprising? It is a day or a date with a lot of symbolism. Beyond the legislators, the decision was made by the people because without the support and adhesion of the community, they would never have been able to do it. It was the people who are ready to be brutalized by the police who formed the most important factor in this development; it was not the black political class. Some 25 years ago, we were 22 years old and there is something of a paradox because now we have the possibility of assuming the capacity to identify that myth, it is worth trying to bring to light aspects that have remained opaque. They are defined by a couple of key events that contribute to the beginning of the defeat of the change of narrative and story that was staged in the MMM. There are events that mark the introduction of the African world in the 21st century and therefore the end of the Cold War and therefore the introduction of the world in geopolitical terms. One was:

1.-The defeat of Apartheid led by Mama Winnie Mandikizela that marks (Mandela's liberation)

2.- The fall of Mobutu in Zaire (Silicon Valley industry created wars in Africa for coltan minerals),

3.- The depreciation of the CFA Franc that marks the massive impoverishment of African peoples and massive emigration expolized and plundered from Africa

4.- Million Men March and the return of Black Power

5.- The Durban 2001 Reparation conference  Slavery Colonial crime of humanity

6.- Law 70 Black communities in Colombia

In the historical process that establishes immanent limits is the MMM that marked and essentially decided the beginning of the 21st century based on the power games of the Cold War and was a key piece within those final movements on the board. The force of the march forced the introduction of white power into black faces that would first be the transformation of Mandela by Hollywood, then Condelozza, Powell and finally Barak Obama that allows the act of power to be renewed white in black faces so that the system continues unchanged. Without a million men march, these leaders would never have existed. Farrakhan from entering Europe, Javier Solana from the EU financed research grants that would deepen the differences with Malcolm x ... some Arabs said that it is not true Islam (laughs). Maria Teresa Campos and Ana Rosa Quintana in their usual line said that the leader of the NOI was the devil who wanted to kill all whites PEOPLE. The only one who dealt with the phenomenon without the typical white supremacy was Jesus Hermida, but as my neighbor said: "son, I may not know what a sub-Saharan is but I know that he is a black man" people are not stupid. After the march nothing would be the same. We had managed to UNITE everyone: Jews, Christians, Muslims, Latinos, Communists, Anarchists, Rastas. [laughs]


Europe has 40 million black people and constantly tries to maintain its policies and references and official cultures such as film festivals, music, educational system etc ... and of course the police. Resisting diversity in the presentThe impact in Europe was immense and still lasts and conditioned the evolution of the racialized imaginary and narrative in Europe. The event that introduced black Africans to Europe was not the fall of the Berlin death but the A Million men march. This historic political event never seen in history was not only due to the brilliant vision of Minister Farrakhan, who finds the maturity of the rest of the leaders of the black community to accompany him in this historical and popular initiative. The black people, emigrants and minorities such as gypsies demand more freedom, the possibility of more participation in the political process that is why it is very important to underline that dimension, that process MMM created a spirit that was a point turning point in recent Afro history. The MMM provoked a massive social feeling of rejection of Nazi terrorism and police brutality. I change everything towards a new world order. MMM, white Europe plunged into a commotion as Washingtong became a "manifestation" of joy and determination. MMM, mired in shock during the kidnapping, became a “manifestadromo” in Spanish [ laughs ] of pain and indignation. New black political actors and organizations appeared in Europe. It was not only a liberation period for the USA, but it is very important to commemorate this date. In Madrid, in addition to the official slogan "For Peace, Unity and Freedom" other messages were chanted that rejected integration. In Pan-African media his invention was attributed to the Intelligence Service. Analysts agree that during the kidnapping and days after the MMM, the largest demonstrations in the recent history of Europe took place. The afro-emerged narrative was decolonized, causing the mobilization of black communities in Paris, Berlin, Amsterdam, Marseille, Brussels, Madrid, Barcelona.


Afrikan-centred Spirituo-Cultural philosophy called and the Nationalist Pan-Afrikanist ideology and legacies of The Most Eminent Prophet and King – His Excellency: Marcus Mosiah Garvey and The Eminent Prophet and King: Omowale Malcolm X. Our mission is expressed in the meaning of our name: the reparation of Afrikan people and culture before invasion, conquest and enslavement and therefore our original and natural way of life – the basis of our historical greatness. One of this group was Alkebu-Lan Revivalist Movement founded in January 1987. The same November, demonstrations began throughout Europe to demand rights such as the confinement of immigrants in the churches of Barcelona, Paris for the liberation of Mumia Abu Jamal throughout Europe coordinated by Julia Wright from Paris (the daughter of the writer Richard Wright). In Spain, a month later, the historic congress of the NBPP in Alcalá Henares was held under the “Spirit of the March”. In the academic environment Pan-African Society awareness grew among African Students' Union. The SOAS Pan-African Society. To collectively cultivate our knowledge and understanding of African history and politics. Discuss and address issues affecting Africans, both on the continent and in the diaspora, celebrate African cultures, be Pan-Africanism as an ideology and movement that establish and maintain connections with all over the world. Lester Lewis (Prince Ntum ba Azah), and a legendary Pan African activist, founder of Hackney Black Peoples Association, and a organizer and writer.


It was very shocking a process of accumulation of force that began in the 1980s with the struggle for Free Mandela against Apartheid, the struggles for Rodney King, the impact edition in Europe of the film Malcolm x, the rise of Pan-Africanist organizations in France, UK, Spain, Portugal, Belgium, Holland (ARM the voice of Afrika radio, Bro Kwamin Ba), Germany (Afrikaans Federation), the movement for historical reparation. After the resignation marched in January 1996. The black movement constituted in the UE, at the same time, a feeling (predictably massed through the processes of construction of an action, with a natural tendency to politicization, that built the community in the center of collective interests. In this double sense we can affirm that Pan-Africanism reached the years of the fall of the Apartheid and the wall with a considerable degree of maturity despite not having the structure of its own state to channel the double process of modern politicization and nationalization of the masses. There were various factors that stimulated this maturation and that made Black nationalism a prominent and early case within the European panorama of vindictive pan-Africanisms. Without intending to deepen its analysis, we must highlight, among these factors: the existence, at least since the 18th century, of a differentiated economic structure that promotes u modern territorial integration; the presence of social movements during the first half of the eight hundred with a component of clear anti-centralist demands (immigration, Pan-Africanism, Rastafarianism) as they have highlighted; the existence of an important intellectual-professional sector that is identified with the romantic movement of the Renaissance; the relevance of a conservative regionalist current with the will to pressure before the central power since the 1980s; the structuring of a rich network of civil society from the beginning of the Antipartheid struggle; the presence of theorists of the "black fact" and of particular strategies for its defense and promotion of different political and ideological signs;

SPAIN 1996-2001

The so call 5th centenary, it has been defined as "a movement party: a hybrid between a classic mass party and a complex alliance between parties and social movements." 13 Its scope of action is not limited to Spain but extends to all so-called communitarianism - On the other hand, from 1996, as this same historian has pointed out, "all the variety of small groups that emerged after MMM and the birth of Pan-Africanism found their effective and operational space in the consolidation of Pan-Africanism as politico goal." Spain titled the celebrations of the 5th centenary "encounter between two worlds" excluding the 180 million blacks. The MMM came to radicalize and the mobilizations that in 1992 boycotted the celebrations of the V Centenary of the American Discovery, legalizing the oppression of blacks and Indigenous practiced for centuries. Groups such as AMPAE and MALEVA were radicalized. The campaign for reparation gained strength with the fight for the Negro from Banyoles who was a stuffed human being in a museum in Catalonia, a campaign led by Dr. Arcelin. As a result of the impact that the MMM caused among young Africans in the hip-hop movement mainly, and the intense activity displayed by students reinforced the internal solidarity of the groups, creating new interests and common complicities. On November 4, 1994, the Black Panther party launched FOJA. Organized front of African youth, which, unlike the party, was always legal and participated in official institutions. It was born as a mass youth space that, from 1995-2005, present throughout Spain, carried out a pioneering work, not always recognized, of uniting and radicalizing the politicization of black youth as in the political mobilization, in which hundreds of young blacks faced to fascism in the streets, discos, campuses and institutes.


The New Black Panthers party from the MMM the black movement to different intellectuals such  Bolekia Justo or Mbadiang the critical bases around the FOJA launched as a mass youth movement by NBPP with the direction that events were taking and adopted that vision of masses that emerged from the March. An important fact was the 2nd congress of the black panthers in Alcalá in November of that year, which brought about the break with integration, condemned the intercultural mediation or a new instrument of neocolonialism and called for the black organizations to coordinate with each other and move towards Pan-Africanist positions. The Pan-Africanist Movement of Spain is born. The term "popular unity" refers to the alliance with Field  Negroes, which promoted a movement for socialist transformation and governed by Hanni. The march promoted the growth of organizations throughout Spain that join the radical black coordination platform that met in the Omowale process presented in different locations in Spain. A process of confluence between EFA and panthers, FOJA, Afro-Vasca and Nopincha emerged in Bilbao, Almeria, Murcia that would give rise to the Pan-Africanist Movement.

Between 1999- the Omowale Process took place, which was an unprecedented success of participation more than 78 black organizations from all over Spain, highly influencing pro A million men march, the result of the process of confluence between African Groups. As a result, the OMOWALE creed was agreed that political action would focus on the Community level. A consequence and legacy was the radicalization and militancy of the black groups


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