Movimiento Panafricanista de España
AFRICANS: Black Lives Matter
Barcelona December 14th,
Faced with
the terrible situation that black people are going through in Badalona (Barcelona) after
the fire in the Gorg building, as a result of which they have lost all their
belongings: from the Pan-Africanist Movement, we send a hug and condolences to
the families and friends of the 5 deceased and the 23 desapears and other seriously injured still
convalescing. We also want to convey to the families of the victims our
condolences there in Senegal, Conakry, Gambia, Mali etc ... as well as
colleagues, supporters and friends, whom we honor. We regret that for a long
time of fire, the firefighters did not come with the usual speed to help the
blacks, but instead patrols from the Mossos and the Guardia Urbana interested
in identifying the blacks people. Unlike the madman of soccer player Uncle Tom Carlos
Kameni, we will always have our hearts with the victims of the fire, of
institutional racism, with the asylum seekers, who demand reparation for
centuries of colonial exploitation, and we will keep our best feelings,
memories and memory with those who rebel every day to work, take care of their
loved ones, look for papers and find a better future: We are with the deceased
and injured and not with those who seek electoral and economic returns from the
privileges derived from silence in the face of exploitation systematic, yesterday
and today of blacks.
As we said
in the cases of Lukum Taka, CalAfrica. They are not accidents, these fires are
caused by extreme poverty, exclusion and institutional racism. It is the public
administrations who deny the right to blacks to register, to decent housing and
to have papers, who light the fuse and the fire of racism by killing Aliu,
Moktar, Desire, More. We condemn the words of a profound racist by the fascist
from Albiol, who has vilely tried to use this tragedy to scratch votes in the
next Catalan elections and dispute vox the space of the extreme right. We
demand that the prosecution for hate crimes act and that Pablo Casado pronounce
himself. Today the white left will lament and point out Albiol as the miserable
racist, which he is, but they will forget that (CUP, PSC, ERC, ENCOMU) let him
come to power because of their internal political disputes. AND THAT THESE
BLACK ALREADY LIVED THERE WHEN THEY ruled and did nothing. Because they are not
the ones who face racist and sexist violence, poverty and exclusion, it is
blacks who suffer from racist hatred and on top of that we stop to pretend that
it does not affect us so that the whites with their false meritocracy do not
sit down. upset and call us victimizers or resentful. Today EVERYONE is
responsible for the tragedy of our siblings in Badalona.
A report of the Afro-descendant decade of Fundación Vida Grupo Ecológico Verde ECOSOC reveals that in Catalonia all policies towards blacks continue to be based on the era of slavery: invisibility, welfare, tutelage, pity, violence, charity and pain; Afro-pessimism, boats, misery trafficking as extreme forms of denial: a neocolonial relationship of dependency through the white macro-NGOs that are part of the centuries-old clientelistic structures that take the subsidies, while those who have to face these tragedies we are grassroots anti-racist organizations that are in dialogue with the White Power. In Barcelona, despite the governments of Mayor Ada Colau, blacks continue to live under impoverishment, impunity, exclusion, institutional violence in a very selective way. The most materially backward people where they persist endemically: famine, extreme and generalized poverty, marginality and social fragmentation, lack of basic services, clean water, pandemics, lower life expectancies, high infant mortality, high environmental risks and high vulnerability to natural disasters , political and social, unemployment-absence of jobs, low levels of schooling and illiteracy, high incidence of violation of their Human Rights, Civil and Social and direct repercussions of armed conflicts, denial of the right to asylum, little democratic participation, invisibility and racism;
Those who
mostly suffer from invisibility, welfare, tutelage, hurt, violence, charity and
pain; Afro-pessimism, boats, and the trafficking of misery as extreme forms of
institutional denial: a neocolonial relationship of dependency through white macro-NGOs
that invade our dignity. We blacks suffer more than anyone from youth
unemployment, school failure, the absence of scholarships, as well as
institutional exclusion and generalized invisibility in the organs of
participation. Most of us are blacks: and it is not a coincidence. 96% of black
NGOs in Barcelona do not have institutional support or spaces for meeting or
participation. 55% of the prisoners and in the CIES are of African descent, we
suffer from alienation, sexism, consumerism and exclusion from associative
Policies from Tarradellas to Pujol, passing through Herreu, Trias, Maragall and
now Colau, continue to be designed to promote isolation and black genocide as
occurs in Barcelona, Mataró or Nou Barris. This is not new, other africans comunnities before such Cal
Africa or Lukum Taka burned. The political class of different colors is and has
been historically indifferent to the pain of the blacks people, examples are the Catalonian
Bourgeoisie that made it’s current fortune BY SELLING African people during slavery and now in
the political hegemony, they have not shown any rigorous or sincere intention
to end the conditions structural misery, violence, empowering the black
community in the province of Barcelona, but instrumentalizing ourselves.
Therefore, the Badalona fire is not an isolated event. But part of the
systematic racist oppression exploitation of blacks people in Catalonia that the
doctor Arcelin already denounced and suffered, which earned him to be
repudiated by the Catalan political and media stablisment. In the
Afro-descendant decade we cannot accept that. If we accept that as imposed by
the Catalan White Power and the bourgeois neoliberal white left, it would be a
deep fraud, farce and betrayal of our children. At the same time, it would be
to deny the neo-colonial, racist and slave-owning nature of the conflict. The
Badalona fire is much deeper than that, it has been caused by the Catalan
institutions themselves. On the one hand, the Generalitat,regional govermernt with its decades of
institutional helplessness and neglect towards blacks while institutional supporting whites people (Argentines, Italians, Chileans, Bulgarians, Serbia, Greeks, whites Northamericans, British, Australians,
Portuguese, Rusian, French etc ...) all except blacks people. As George Monbiot says,
government infrastructures have and have had the purpose of destroying public
protection because they limit corporate profits and the political projects of
Power and White supremacy. Therefore the Barcelona fire is just one example of
all this.
Which is
very reminiscent of the uprisings in Paris 2005, London 2011, Stockholm,
Fergusson Missouri in the US or the
Grenfell Tower in London in 2017, in which 72 black people died and hundreds of
other wounded left behind by the institutions. The same thing is happening in
the Badalona catastrophe. While social pressure and Pan-Africanist grassroots
organizations demand justice, governments and their macro NGOs are dedicated to
throwing balls out and the mass media of the establishment in their racist
gatherings to blame the victims, the blacks for their situation. That the law
against racism that Irene Montero is secretly making with Rita Boshao, begin by
sanctioning the silence of the Ada Colau town hall, which pronounces on the
Bourbon and the mobile congress, and now it is silent because, in Badalona the
pp rule, When these blacks were gradually expelled from Besos, is it that
blacks are only Catalans to collect your junk, clean your homes and take care
of your children? Once again they are portrayed. We say that the fire and the
deaths of our wounded brothers are the final consequence of all this process of
institutional racism naturalized by the different administrations of Badalona andBarcelona and the Generalitat de Catalunya. It was murder, the result of
indirect violence by the administration towards blacks. And once again it has
revealed that all the public policies that were supposed to protect blacks do
not exist when they are needed. Black lives don't matter to them.
And for them we demand immediate reparation. We demand that the administrations do not look the other way and that they give assistance and shelter to these brothers and sisters who are literally on the street with sub-zero temperatures as in times of slavery. We call on pan-Africanist organizations and sympathizers from all over Europe, for the associative expression of black communities and whites in solidarity and truly committed to Afro-centered solidarity, to join forces with indifference to our political colors, to redouble their efforts in the demand for Black reparation, as Dr. Luis Alarcón Mbolo Etofli from afrodescendents Decade ECOSOC, demanded from President Quim Torra last October. We call on the youth and black women to lead the process, organizing organically to prevent situations like the Badalona or Floyd from happening here. As Malcolm x said, the field Negros do not delegate our responsibility to professionalized agents who have failed us in Badalona. Chatting online or having AFRO hair is fair and necessary but not enough, as it does not imply commitment and it did not prevent us from being raped on the slave ship from Gore Senegal to Santo Domingo. We must be part of the solution and not just the problem. The response right now from the Pan-Africanists, activists and independent grassroots black organizations, must be to keep together the necessary socio-political pressure, vigilantes with dispersed Uncle Tom leaders fabricated by with power in the black face who speak on tv and the Catalan political parties, historical accomplices in the betrayal, breaches and disappearance of Dr. Alfons Arcelin. And we cannot allow the Catalan media and its public opinion in general to silence and make our pain invisible as they always do with the numerous acts of institutional racism to impose only and exclusively their monothem on us, without considering our rights, narrative, imaginary and suffering.
We make a request and call on the African and
independent media to join the fight for black reparation and justice in
Badalona, allowing an Afro-centered narrative of those oppressed by justice to sound.
We invite the African international movement and citizens of Africa Union six
Region and the rest of Spain to unite in
the demand for justice and reparation, which happens firstly by demanding
immediate solutions for people who have been left on the street and then to sit
down without arrogance, or NGO of tutelage or white supremacy with the
Pan-Africanist Movement to initiate reparation through affirmative action
policies for centuries of slavery in accordance with Durban 2001 and PNL2010
and thus end the daily racist violence that kills us. Well, as Winnie Mandela
said, this is about reparation, not a condescending and COLONIAL false
Visca Arcelin!
Press Contact: Kwame Ondo Coordinador de Movimiento Pan-Africanista en Barcelona 0034631348791- 0034611341515
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