Celebrate the eternity of our Savior, the great Afrospanish history with Dr. Alfonse Arcelin and the Hip-Hop generation; Saturday (11:00 AM-) with ABUY NFUBEA at the University Summer Anticapitalist Left, La Granja Segovia Spain. See you there! radiovozdeafrika- Castilla
Saturday 24th Agoust
Come, invite someone and reaffirm your revolutionary istory, political and economic blessings for the now and
generations to come. This and other businesses will also serve as one NOW YOUR HISTORY .
The Honorable Brother Abuy Nfubea
Come Join and know your history for a powerful event with our beloved Brother & other veterane of the movement. He comes with the best of our Ancestral Legacy!!!
Abuy Nfubea He is international African leader freedom figther and Executive Director of the reperation comitte in Spain who won in 2010 a reparation statemEnt at Spanish parliament , and is co-founder of Pan-Africanist confederation with branches in all over Spain. In 2001 After Durban conference Brother Abuy created to establish Winnie Mandela award to recognied the vanguard of African women revolution. Born in Equatorial Guinee, Nfubea’s political life began at Free Mandela mOvement as an student activist at high school boikoted a Barcelona Olimpic games in support Dr Arcelin to remouved a black man from Namibia who was dissecated at the Banyoles Mousseum. Abuy was founding member in 1988 of Los Colours, an African youth gang in Fuenlabrada that in 1990 evolutioned to the Spanish branch of the New of Black Panther Party. The roll of this organization was stop the terrorism impunity of Skind head Nazi who aterrorized African comunitty nowing to us FOJA. Brother Abuy Nfubea. Years before was studient leader at Public enemy fan club at the Labour University and the Franzt Fanon afrocentric association at University of Alcala, After the killing of sista Lucrecia Perez by NAZI and police group called Panthers chapter from over the Spain to defended African Comunitty. As journalist he built the voice of africa radio the oldest african radio programe, omowale magazine, wanafrica newspaper an diferents media inictive for the community. In 1998 he was the head of Spanish delegation at A million Youth March and deep impacted by the Malcolmx interpretation and teaching of Dr Akinyele Umoja . In 1996 he was arrested and incarcerated with other student leaders by for challenging and mobilizing mass support against the magics king painting on white. After Durban conference he called 101 African organization to grassroot community discussion nown as Omowale pocess and built a new political process. After Paris and London riots Abuy traveled all over Europe and Latin America called the African youth to organized and "kill their Negro leaders" and built a new international based on Garvey, Malcolm X. As a consecuence of this new international Abuy opened a office in Brussels EU to figth for ther economical empowerment of African Comunities in Spain, Portugal Latin America. As a consecuence of that today the africans organization in Latin America recieve ECONOMICAL support for the European union and UNESCO. He founded a European Black journalist and editors Association. As a consellor of president Evo Morales Nfubea worked at the constitutional reform of Republic of Bolivia this job convert black peoples in Boliva in a political community and launch 3 Africans candidate to the senate. Abuy hold diferents an honorarian doctoral Universitie Indigena de Bolivia, Libia, ect.... A dynamic public speaker, writer, father, broadcaster, lecturer, organiser and cultural ambassador, Abuy is an international advocate on human and people’s rights including women’s rights, reparations, debt repudiation, social justice and development. The last book of brother Abuy is Malcolm X y la generacion Hip-Hop editrial Garaje 2013
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