THE HISTORY OF BLACK PANTHERS IN SPAIN: AN AFROCENTRIC VISION OF SPANISH DEMOCRACY Celebrate the eternity of our Savior, the great Afrospanish history with Dr. Alfonse Arcelin and the Hip-Hop generation; Saturday (11:00 AM-) with ABUY NFUBEA at the University Summer Anticapitalist Left, La Granja Segovia Spain. See you there! radiovozdeafrika - Castilla 25th of Black Panther Party Foundation in Spain LET THE TRUE SPIRIT and IMPACT of VISION OF HUEY NEWTON & KALHID MOHAMMED in Spain RISE, SO AFRICA AND AFRICANS CAN TRULY RISE! Saturday 24th Agoust Come, invite someone and reaffirm your revolutionary istory, political and economic blessings for the now and generations to come. This and other businesses will also serve as one NOW YOUR HISTORY . 25 TH ANIVERSSARY OF AFRICAN LIBERATION MOVEMENTS...