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Wanafrica the oldest spanish newspaper turns 5 years old. It does so with joy and faith to the rhythm of Hip-Hop and drums. Our first objective (a modest attempt in 2006) was to get African  exceed the informative Apartheid it excludes from the news with 10 lines in the traditional press. Our second objective was to make clear to our readers, that European society (and especially Spanish) should change forever your eyes to Africa. Wanafrica these 5 years has witnessed the great demands of the African community in Spain. The Colonial & Slavery Statement  made by Spanish parliament on February 2010 (PNL), Civil Rights and political participation, institutional racism, police brutality, African Union Conference, the struggle for the vote progress or the paperless world cup in South Africa, have contributed visblidad wing of the 150 million Africans in the Americas (Chocó, Esmeraldas, Chincha, Bahia, Dominican Rep, Jamaica etc. ..). Under the chief's brother editor Oumar Diallo Wanafrica in these 5 years has established itself as the only means online and paper, made and directed own independent African and Field Negroes. An independent media serving the African community that moves away from the uncle tom floklore & sexist characterizes migrants Media, where blacks are always as witches, athletes, dancers, prostitutes ....(  object of study) With that hard work with editorial offices in Barcelona, Madrid and Bilbao, with expansion to Equatorial Guinea, Venezuela and Colombia: Today we are in the homes of many people, hairdressers, bars, churches, mosques, restaurants, shops, NGOs, embassies and of course network. Never mind the enormous economic difficulties involved in the slave to read and write the bible / Koran on their own. Wanafrica turns 5 years with renewed strength, keeping the same spirit of love and MAROON that inspired us.


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