Malcolm garveyu "Wake up and get up! Powerful people, you can do everything that you propose". Marcus Garvey make a donation now! Black youth FOJA studient group in Parla Campus Madrid , is an independent, Field Negro Afrocentric and committed grassroot educational project that was born in Spain by 2 young freedom figthers,from the spanish chapther of the new Black Panther Party and the Anti-Apartheid Movement; Dr. Abuy Nfubea & brother Ras Babike r After listening to Dr Akinyele Umoja ¬ makungu Akinyela's lecture at the University of the Basque Country in 1993. After 3 years, following the success of the international campaign, which allowed the removal a Namibian human being, which was dissected and exhibited in a museum of Banyoles Spain, under the leadership of the honorable Dr Alfonse Arcelin . They sterded forming cadres who could defend black students from the terrorist attacks of the skin head n...