6 th International s emminar PAN-AFRIKAN REPARATIONS COALITION IN EUROPE - PARCOE Spain REPARATION AS UNIVERSAL JUSTICE reparación como justicia universal 29th noviembre 2014 Presentation Dear comrades, brothers and sisters, friendss and enemies Receive a fraternal greeting, accompanied by my sincere wishes welfare of your families together. On February 17th, 2010, the Spanish Parliament passed the official Resolution on reparation, recognition of the Black community aka PNL under slavery, apartheid, colonialism and racism (negrophobia/ Afriphobia). This is the greatest achievement in the history of Spain therefore urges the government to implement affirmative action policies’. Since that we launched the International Symposium of Experts, Abolition of Slavery and Trafficking: Colonialism, Apartheid and Racism Negrophobia . Four year after, different governments have not met this legislative framework. The main foc...