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The Roll, challenge and responsability of Black Media On reparation strugle @Abuy Nfubea

The Roll, challenge and responsability of Black Media On reparation strugle

@Abuy Nfubea 

The former master-owning and colonizing: European Union, with the essential support of their slaves, the so call black president  of the African Union, have been able to dismantle the movement for reparation in the European Union that gave the master a scare in Durban. The youngest leaders of recognition and tired of fighting were bought under the excuse of black visibility, "we are going to put you in the institutions if you renounce reparations and talk about equality"
Suddenly, new educated leaders appeared throughout Europe, handsome who claim natural hair although they were unaware of the historical process black created in the master's universities, they met on the net, they were not inspired by Winnie Mandela but by Obama, with an academic language very powerful at the same time old very relativistic and sectarian: "visibility, recognition, white privilege, racialized, toxic, intersectionality allies" they use the terms African, Afro-descendant, and black as separate and distinct categories. That was a very hard blow to Garveyism what he did, we no longer seemed so funny but it was too late. They imposed an anti-Pan-Africanist neo-colonial terminology and were in all the media that the master tolerates. The Arab spring and 15-M of the indignados made the rest, in a short time they destroyed the black movement and it became individual and the word reparation linked to black struggles was banned in most European cities, except in London.

All the African  international organizations that were born inspired by reparation (Afroamerica 21, FONGAF created by Gaddafi, AU Sixth Region, ONECA) only groups as chapter outside uk are ASI African Socialist International under the leadership on brother Lwenshi Kinshasa and GAC Global African Congress founded in Barbados by Boddy Larrier. GAC Glabal African Congress maintains 2 weeckly meeting and other saturday meeting with more than 60-70 members, I am a witness and beneficiary of it
With strong European resolute worker and committed teamunder the  leadershiP of brother Glennroy Wattson, an African unionist. with capters in Holland, Brussels, PRSI, Nantes, Portugal and  Spain, advances were achieved such as the PNL 2010 that the government of the extreme left with black deputies such as Rita Boshao or Luck Andre in parliament did not go through to turn into law. 

Our success has been transferring to Ibero-America where it soon caught on with the fourth Garveyist International and the institutional support of the Fundación Vida, a green ecological group founded in 1988 by Luis Mbolo Etofili in Cali, Colombia. But it has been in the United Kingdom where the fight for black reparation has been maintained and rooted, but it has been isolated from the rest of Europe. The reasons are multiple, on the one hand a powerful Rastafarian spiritual movement on the other and more importantly a powerful network of African community media that elaborate a counter-narrative capable of confronting the hegemonic discourse of colonial white supremacy that permeates more easily in the rest of Europe because there are no media, magazines, radios, TV, independent black book publishers and those that exist speak only of black beauty and music, humor for the consumption of the white middle class, what I call in my book Afrofeminism: black lover and that Juan Carlos Monedero was so angry. Let's see the consequences of all this


Uk is the The Black strugle in Uk is very British  from The rest of Africans in Europe. 
That Why only what happens in the United Kingdom of Great Britain or in his son USA is news for them Governments such as those of Obiang in Equatorial Guinea television has put their people in mourning for five days for the death of the Queen of England Elizabeth, however they did not do the same by far for the assassination of the president of Haiti or the death of the president of Tanzania during  Covid pandemic period. They are still very impregnated with the cultural vision of the superiority of the British empire over the rest of Europe.But, they forget  as Samora Machel said;
“There is no humanitarian colonialism, there is no developed colonialism, I have been colonized by the most underdeveloped country in Europe: Portugal, but it continues to be a colonialist” That is to say, as I prefix keplin: That "your majesty does not worry because over time the colonized will end up assuming by themselves the complexes and forms of the colonizer, it is a matter of time”

 This, coupled with the kidnapping of black intellectual elites by the state, keeping them (in exchange for grants and professional promotion) on the internet or universities, with a very kneeling depoliticized language and far removed from the Base Rebel Afrikan movements that fights for everything in the rest of Europe. On the other hand, our errors made by ourself, of slaves master  articulates and  instrumentalized our differences due to jealousy, envy rivalries that always arise in the world of intellectuals against the working class has been and continues to be. Since the end of the Durban conference 2001, our Principal  Challenge, responsibilities and handicap was this. That has seriously weakened us as a continental reparation movement and kept us out of unity and Leadership in the Reparation strugle in Europe, as the  great brother leader Mbandaka said: at The heart of The beast " 

If Marcus Garvey and Winnie Madikizela be a life they would be very sad because they both worked to build African internacionalism conscience but not Black English, Spanish or French speaking, Arab concience. The key of this contradiction is on the defeat of African intelectuall, as political subjetc of comunitty and so far from the masses of African people, this what Dr Huey P Newton and my Mon Dr Basilisa Mangue Nfubea called ," uncle Tom with diploma".
Those people make divinity the opresor language and ilegall those who speak those languages that colonial experience histrory imposed us. As a consequence of that this the mayority of Afrikan intelectual from Us or Colombia 🇨🇴 Cuba, Lima, or Dakar, Abidjan, Malabo, who came to Spain invited by universities and white left or Christian Conservative institutions. Very a few times have they  got any contact with grassroot activist inside "The Black" guettos and concentration camps that the European Unión Democracies has  built in cities such Madrid,  San Francisco Bilbao, Cal Africa and Mataró-Barcelona, Baalmeer Amsterdam,  Sant Denisse Paris, Amdora Lisboa, Sevilla, Tenerife, Murcia, Almeria, Zaragoza, Palma, Melilla or Ceuta etc to destroy Afrikan families, kilombo youth and African future. 

Its with  a few  exceptions like Garvey, Walter Rodney Selassi in The past. That and  In The modern times chairman oMali Yeshitela, Esther Stanford, Affiong, Chokwe Lumumba, Akinyele Umoja, Glenroy Watson, Kolanji, Molefi, Runoko Rashidi or the great Elder Buddy.  Before she bécame vice president sista Franzia Marqués ( i have the oportunity to intervew her in his trip to Spain) I tried  to make her see thie wrongs but she was very seduce by the white lelft delegation she didnt meet with any Afrikan leader, (just white feminist and university LGTBIQ). The white left controling universities the Afrikan student Unión like Kwanzaa is under anti Garveyist pigmentocratic reactionary blin blin boomboom chaka revolution. When sista Eleine Brown came to Barcelona in 2018 invited by CUP, the petty bourguesy  white left socialdemocratic catalán separaties Party, there was no Afrikan in the room but at only 10 minutes away  by car from there you have thousand of Black comunities figthing against social-economical opression who wanted to see The leader of Black Panthers eating in The Afrikan restaurant  in Gorg Badalona. This is the place where  the same white letf govement  (Ada Colau province, ERC regional, PSC Nation) let died  more than 9 Afrikan brother a from  2 years ago and The Gardian newspaper and other European media calles then illegals. 
Nut Turner made the same question when the tribunal condem him before the rebellion: how Human being should be illegals. So We made transition from slave property to illegals not human being. This is the real meaning of subsaharian. 


This was part of my disertation during my Dr Honoris Caussa at El alto Universidad Indígena Bolivia. The next  night of 2008 in The best African restaurant DonVitto propiety of Afrikan bolivians in La Paz  We Spoke and discussion on that subject with Runoko Rashidi and Juan Angola Maconde ( he was eating “pollo frito” Afribolivian style. You see 3 field Nígger borned in different plantation ( Guinea Ecuatorial 🇬🇶, Bolivia 🇧🇴 and USA 🇺🇸 and different slave   owners We didnt speak English, but Garveyism . The mayority of our  conversation is inside of my next book The crisis of Negro activism and The roll of Black media . Coming  out very soon . Because The UNIA-ACL didnt have Instagram or twitter but The y was able to contact 11millions of Africans and other million of other ópressed people inclouding Sandino in Nicaragua , Russian Revolution, Vietnam oh Chi Ming, whites from Ireland women Workers etcétera and specialy Afrikan working class in Spanis speaking áreas of Latino America or Abya Ayala. Travéll to visit in to Spain Costa Rica 🇨🇷 Santo Domingo, cuba 🇨🇺, Brasil 🇧🇷 Honduras 🇭🇳, Ecuador, Venezuela 🇻🇪 Panamá 🇵🇦 and We know now that he trying to visit  Guinea Ecuatorial 🇬🇶 then Spanish colóny. Garvey knew that The mayority of African diáspora were slave and colonizad by spanish and Portugues. And he build Negro world newspaper in this language and he créated a new language with a new paradigma. That was the success of the Garvey´s newspaper: (Ideological language )
Today 100 years after, many Afrikan journalist in Afrika or the  Dáspora, want Uhuru Afrika tv editor send them statement on Black Genocide in Spain; They  still asking  “ Please send me that in English “ jaaaaaaaa ja ja ja 😂 Imagine Malcolm x telling, at The university of Ibadan Nigeria 🇳🇬 “sorry im not speak  youruba or Garvey in Costa Rica, sorry I dont Speak Spanish  🇨🇷 o Kwame Toure in Guine 🇬🇳 “ im not speak Mandinga or  french “ jaaaaaaaaaa
This English, French, Portugues or Spanish still being the símbol of what kind of plantation we come from ( mostly at higth official Institution such African Unión, with full of Negroes trying to Speak and pronounce perfect French ) but as Malcolmx Omowale said:  They want some land  no some french .  As 2pac, Fela Kuti or Public Enemy did, we must control the language, just as a tools to empowerment in comunícation in order to build Nkrumah’s dream:One Africa One nation. If we dont attempt this reality, our activism at all level will make  
our global visión very weak as a Nation. 

The foundation of the African Press Association in Madrid in 2014
Women always been at the forefront in that sense we have faith that there is a trend that is changing with the magnificent work that sisters are doing  all over the world.  Sister Deninis Miller  from Jamaica on the Roots. The great sista Kabu Ma'at Kheru: Multifaceted International Broadcast Journalist at IRIE radio FM,  from Kingtown, brother Afrikatu Kofi Nkrumah: Founder & Director of Humanitas Afrika magazine based in Prague Czech Republic and collaborate as Journalist with The African Courier . Yessenia Mosquera: Editor & founder of Canal Afro televisión  only black tv in  Bogota. Abi Sila She writes regularly  magazine negrxs, where she regularly writes African haute cuisine since Madrid 
brother Kwame Ondo actor and filmaker  on uhuru afrika tv and reparacion africana in Madrid. Mama Yama editor of Voces de Ebano in Ecaudor . Sista Auntie Jean founding  and CEO of Garvey Village  and Black Cultural Radio in UK, Baldw Lumumba member of Radio Voz de África, Spain and  member of Uhuru Afrika TV. Sista Kai Ouagadou-Mbandaka hosted Afrika Speaks with Alkebulan  on Galaxy Radio. Dr. Andreia, Medical at African prision system anti police  Black genocidal, writer  and found Jornal Assata Shakur and African bookestore in Salvador . Now one of my heroes, Efia Nwangaza at WMXP 95.5 Community Radio - The Malcolm X Center in North Carolina. Brother Tito Valentín, historic African journalist and radio broadcaster in Honduras, director of Garifuna Wagia radio (we Garifuna) Hugo Owizi: Is an actor and writer, journalist and film director Equatorial Guinee. Tayla André a  Great and historic African Comunity Radio  "wake up with Tayla André! in Baltimore US Marcelle Chagas: AfroBrazilian Journalist, coordinator of the JP network of journalists for diversity and  Pan-African Caucus of journalists in Brazil. Sharon Oshun: Writer, healer and journalist with Roots radio in Kingston Jamaica. my teacher brother Kwame Mba: Pan Africanist activist community, co-founder of ARM African Root Movements radio broadcaster on the Voice of Afrka at Radio Suriname in Amsterdam .


In my last book on “ 50 years of Black women strugle in spain “ i payed tribute two of Editors in chef of Negro world news paper sistas Amy Aswood and Amy Jaques. During the book presentation on tv  and The AfroSpanish journalist try to off this chapter of The book because literally: they where no Spanish speaking but as I  explained to hér that their ideas, leadership love and feelings directing the newspaper  created my polítical conscience. The foundation of the African Press Association in Madrid in 2014 from slavery to emigration today, black people in Europe have always been very close to the popular movements that gave rise to struggles against colonialism in the 50s and 60s and Apartheid in the 1980s and police terrorism or black genocides today. Therefore, we have to tell our realities, from our perspectives, without delegating that responsibility exclusively to professional agents who do not pay and for that we need means, no one is going to tell that reality for us. We must jump The languages border created by African Negroe dictators such Obiang, Bongo or Biya to divides, opress and conquer us and assume an ideológical, philosophical, economical doctrine and afrocentric language of Garveyism. This is the role and deep responsability, challenge and contribution of pan-Afrikan media Association as international network have with this  Black love convention for reparation in Europe.

Thank you sista Theresa for the English edition ...Sorry for my bad English is not my colonial tongue


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