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UK support Pan-Africanist Convention & condem Melilla massacre

UK Condem Melilla Massacre

Pan-Africanist anticolonial Black love Convention in Europe 2022


to the "new" Black genocide in Europe


Abuy Nfubea (GAC Spain )

Thank you RMT GAC and greetings you in the name of Pan-Africanism in Spain and all chapters of the Garveyism African internationalist for this invitation.Thank Glenn, Abu, Judy for the enormous job he did of telling us almost at the moment what was said in Barbados and the great progress we have made there, and the day I was most impressed was during the final of the Africa Cup of soccer between Senegal and Egypt, in which Senegal justly won, there were more than 63 people at this meeting, and then judy and others stayed until dawn in my story of activism and fighter fredoom figther I have faced thousands of enemies in defense of my people and we have defeated the government of the city of Barcelona, Madrid and even racist states like South Africa fought and defeated imperialism but no one can defeat football. and that deserves a round of applause. As the African descendant decade is about to end, we must appreciate the great work that this GAC family, in line with 4 internationals, has been doing since its foundation in 2003 to preserve the thematic unity around reparation and educate the community about this particular force and obligation to governments too.

In yesterday's coordination meeting, I told the Malecia sister the enormous importance that GAC has for the conceptual political struggle and the thematic unity around black reparation in Europe in the heart of the beast, because fighting in Africa, America or so it is one thing, but in the heart of the beast it has a very relevant meaning because our intellectual elites are still hooked on the tradition and colonial narrative of the mother country.  I want to start with this phrase from the reggae band burning spear

Christopher Columbus is a liar. What they wanted to tell us is that today the struggle is in the media for control of the narrative. And I want to thank the African media that have supported us in the most difficult moments of the massacre, sucha sista shanice and Africa speak the Galaxy radio, Tito Valentín of radio waguia in Honduras, voices of ebony radio catholic Ecuador by sista Mamayama, sista Kabu Jamaica, which I want to thank and ask for applause because the black press is not only for playing music 24 hours, it must be part of the solution. We now have in Spain the most important reggae festival in the world Rototom, where the greats like Alpha blondy, Rita Marley are there right now, I would like to know what they think they feel about these massacres.  And it is the reason that our struggle today must focus on controlling communication, narrative, because every time the slave master kills Africans, he uses his means to justify the massacre and lie, and all the crowfounding we do is to obtain funds to be able to establish a media mechanism of counterinformation about the massacres and the black genocide.

SLAVERY, COLONIALISM, APARTHEID, IMMIGRATION, REFUGEE is the same thing and in the face of this, we were able to start in Durban and much earlier at the conference of the black people in Harlem convened in 1920 by the UNIA-ACL for his excellence Marcus Garvey it was already spoken, and Reparation was demanded, it is them. I want to say that only by demanding reparations will we be able to win the current social struggles, and this implies having a black movement in all places organized in the Pan-Africanist creed. there is an attempt by the states to destroy the movement for reparation through new black celebrities who come to power, but to combat reparation (African presidents, Obama, Obama, Epsy Campbell, now let's hope that Francia Marquez will hopefully be different)

The massacre was taking place in the middle of the NATO conference with the presence of Joe Baiden, Macron, and UK president in Spain in this meeting the president sanchez talk on the recolonization of Africa through third countries. The genocide carried out in Melilla last July against more than 59 Africans who tried to enter Spain fleeing from the wars that the West creates in Africa, its massacre was justified and supported by the social democratic and communist government of Spain and by all African governments. . This is not new in Spain there have been genocides and crimes and massacres Lucrecia Perez, Sas Ebewera with more than 15 thousand Bubis people murdered, Ceuta in 1996 more than 34 and every week more than 750 are drowned in the sea, by the boats in places like, two years ago, the murder of death in Badalona, Barcelona, the burning of 15 brothers, sisters, etc. Europe builds concentration camps in Morocco to contain blacks in full slavery there. Spain give job 

We Responds to the "new" Black genocide slavery in Europe

The pain is still very great, but we resist and move on. These people were buried in mass graves as common criminals but died fighting. As Garveyist we must respond. Black is Beautifll We love Black family and black lives matter we refuse to accept this neocolonial determinism. As response to this neocolonial black genocide, we call this necessary and historically Pan-Africanist anticolonial Black love Convention for reparation in Europe 2022. Like greatest women in the history, honorable mama Winnie Madikizela in her day after the Soweto massacre in 1976, we refuse to accept the cowardly and complicit silence of the neo-colonial Uncle Tom African State whose ambassadors acted in Madrid, today they still have not signed or done anything to love or protect us Africans. As Bob Marley said How long shall they kill our prophets, while we stand aside and look?

 We as GAC Spain and part of 4the international Pan-Africanist garveyist we convening a Pan-Africanist grassroot meeting at the European level for reclaim reparationist . We will sign the charter of Madrid. On 29th October with the presence of the garveyist family from all over Europe London, Paris, Seville, Nantes, Amsterdam, Munich Valencia, Geneva, Brussels, Barcelona, Rome, Berlin... It will be an independent grassroot and revolutionary meetings with families, students, migrants, refugees, artist, black media, afrofeminst, African working classes, militants, comrades and friends, you are invited. Start from now putting your energy into being in Madrid at that historical weekend to pay tribute, love and show our solidarity with the families with local black resistance and pay tribute to the fallen. Among the guests Samuel Etoo, Kemi Seba, Julius Garvey the son of honorable Marcus Garvey etc...

This conference comes at a critical moment because:

1.- He has given documents, salaries of more than 1,000 euros to white Ukrainian refugees with blond hair and blue eyes, recently arrived with houses, scholarships and a Spanish passport. The media call them refugees and a cause to defend against Putin. However, the blacks of Mali, Senegal, Congo, Sudan, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Cameroon, Nigeria, who suffer from wars and dictatorial governments that they support, such as Obiang, Biya or Bongo, have been sleeping on the streets of Barcelona for more than 20 years without documents or medical protection. jobless. The media and the government call them mafias and give an implicit order to the police to torture them, kill them... the government that does this is not right or extreme right but communist and social democrat... black people integrate into all systems but always others white migrants progress economically and blacks should always be sad, that is how the US, Colombia, Mexico, Argentina, Ecuador, etc. were built.

2.-As you know, in Spain and Latin America the left governs and they are the ones who have killed like Hollande in Libya or Tony Blayr in Iraq with weapons of mass destruction and the many blacks linked in the institutions to the oppressive apparatus of the PSOE-PODEMOS parties that have their blacks like Rita Bosaho, Luck Andre or Antumi Taosije and hundreds of sisters talking about beauty on Instagram to divert attention, they have given a lot of money and music festivals so that blacks forget this and other crimes and these black politicians try to infiltrate the community to destroy any political response to this crime, it is the same job they did in 1914 with William Du Bois when Marcus Garvey came to the usa and found the lynching campaign in Missouri.

... It will be an independent grassroot and revolutionary meeting

That is why I want to finish by asking you for support and solidarity with:

1.- The media diffusion of the genocide in Spain is here the director of the conference brother Kwame Ondo

2.- We need your economic donations that we need for a reparation conference like this

3.-I have set up the website and the bank account to bring the grassroot leaders from the provinces

As another of my idols said, when he was a member of the Black Panthers party in Spain, Jamaican Rastafari reggae musician, I think was, Steve Pull, maybe someone who love reggae should remember it: no matter who is the president Selassie is King, no matter who is the government in Spain reparation is our responsibility

UHURU free the land black power amandla angwetu

As Martin Luther King said: now is the time!!!
Mbolanaang + Uhuru + Ubuntu +tendai mori + Asalaam Malekum + Black Power + Hotep + All Power to People + Free the land!!


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