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3º Congreso Mundial de prensa PAnAfricanista, medios y periodismo Comunitario

En el decimo aniversario de Uhuru Afrika TV  2014-2024

3rd Pan-Africanist, Community Conference of Press & Communication             III Congreso Panafricano  de comunicación y prensa COMUNITARIA     IIIe Congrès Panafricaniste et Communautaire de la Presse et de la Communication 


  El roll de los medios de comunicación PANAFRICANISTA en la disputa por la narrativa 

                       Madrid Spain Juny 1st 2024        

"The first thing to fight for, conquer and Repair is for the narrative financing, consuming and consolidating our comunity grassroot Media" 

La primera lucha por conquistar y reparar es financiar, consumir y consolidar nuestros propios medios de comunicación  comunitarios  




      Los africanos, soñamos con controlar nuestra propios medios y produce la información y narrativa que consumimos!.                                                      
                                                                  Fela Kuti     



Dear Sistas & brothers                                                                                                                                                                                 Welcome to this third meeting, is for me an honour  invitation you to this historical Conference colling by the Reparation Africana magazine in our 15th aniverasary. The conference was foundet in Brussels Belguim in 2013 under the inspiratión of the most honorable queen mother Dr Winnie Madizikela, which name was attaked and fear by Europeans journalist and Negroe medía during her last tryp to  Spain. We are not just a simple network but It is a social política space that aims to redefine the roll of the Pan-African media as an instrument of struggle and liberation of grassroot comunities for lumpenproletariat bases of service across of Europe. We are a space aware of our independent but rigorous voluntary pedagógical unity historical role that is referenced in the inspirational paradigms of The Negro World newspaper, founded by Amy Aswhood and Marcus Garvey in 1916 and others  such: The African Orient express, The  Burning Spear, The Black Panther, Mohameed Speak, The final Call, New Afrikan or Uhuru Afrika tv. We conceive the media not as a value of the Negroe elite talking in instagram or facebook on Black beauty While young African uprising in Totemham 2010, Stocklholm 2009, Barcelona 2013, Salvador 2014, Lisbon 2011, Paris 2004. 

In the 4th Pan-Africanist Garvey International Movement we have always said that we need to have hypotheses of victories, no matter how small they may be, in order to generate political counter-power, that is or what did Bob Marley mean when he sang to us: every little action is a great reaction. Thus on the 15st  Aniversary Reparación Africana magazine 2007-2022, this conference are far of this uncle Tom journalist who are trained and adoctrinated in the faculties of journalism of west Colleges in Oxford, Yale, Coimbra, Complutense, Paris etc...To support pupets Africans Negroe neocolonial president in Equatorial Guinee, Mali, Jamaica, Congo, Colombia, Haití, Senegal or Nigeria. 

We refused a complicity to perpetuate his boot on the African neck because as Burning Spear song in his beautifull reggae: “Cristopher Columbia is a líer”, this music teach us that media is a popular instrument of anticolonial struggle, by so this historical conference brings together and guides the kemitic grassroot media of a continuous and contrasted editorial line based on Afro-centered self-determination at the service of social Garveyism: myths to win the battle of story against Uncle Tom narrative.  Africans we wish control on our own media and produce the news that we consume. As marroons of 21 century we must to capitalize politically on our cultural victory and this is the topic of this historic conference and our responsability with Kemet, Africa Working class and the next generations.


 Abuy Nfubea                                                                                                                                                                               president Pan-African Association of Journalists, Press, Comunicator and Bloggers Network.  


Bro. Olatunji: Producer of Afrika Speaks with Alkebu-Lan on Galaxy Radio 

Kalonji Jama Changa: Black Powers Media 

Sista Ebony Kingston: journalist Global Afrikan Congress Chair

Felipe Noguera: Caribbean Regional Coordinating Community for the Pan Afrikan and Indigenous Movement , Trinidad and Tobago

Radio Afrobolivia F.M. 93.7  Coroico  Nor Yungas La Paz

Tafadzwa ShakaRa Mbandaka: Is a Spoken Word Activist & pan-africanist Journalist

María Luisa Bokesa: Periodista, comunicadora social y productora cultural, directora del  Magazine africano Wetinpas

Castro Nguema: Director de deportes y corresponsal de Uhuru Afrika tv en Catalunya 

Pepe Legal: Periodista presentador de pueblo negro contigo Radio Morena 640 fm Ecuador 

Massise Dramhe: Directora de comunicación y propaganda FOJA-Barcelona

Fidel Juez: Periodista, escritor e intelectual panafricanista profesor de la MGU editor y fundador del Canal Afro miembro dela secretaria conjunto de la red mundial de medios panafricanista 

Roy T. Anderson

Kabu Ma'at Kheru: 
Multifaceted International Broadcast Journalist at IRIE radio FM,  the Africa Family on The Africa Forum she is also writer|Communications Consultant|who Advocate For Social Justice|Pan Africanist activist. She is the author of An Essay On Crime in Jamaica Researcher and Analyst, with over 20 years in the Global Marketing and Broadcast Industries Kingtown Jamaica 

Lito: Director y presentador de Buscame en la tormenta  en radio parque 92.1 Fm Uruguay 

Esono Eyoma Ona: Comunicador y activista Director de Abaha Tv Guinea Ecuatorial 

Afrikatu Kofi Nkrumah: Founder & Director of Humanitas Afrika, a Pan-Africanist organization and NGO based in Prague Czech Republic. He is founder of African Information Centre and collaborate as Journalist with The African Courier and ReparacionAfricana. Ghana

Yessenia Mosquera: Editora y fundadora en 2012 Canal Afro televisión ‘streaming’  and Panafrican, cultural and peace activist Bogota Colombia Master en pueblos africanos latinoamericanos universidad Carlos III Colombia

Abi Sila: She is a Pan-African cultural activist, member of IV Garveyist International in Spain. She writes regularly in the Afroespanish magazine negrxs, where she regularly writes columns on African haute cuisine. Madrid 

Glenn Wattson: 
 African Unionist tireless defender of the African working class at The National Union of Rail Maritime and Transport Union (RMT) a trade unions.  He
 promoter for the cause of the black repatationist. He is European Acting Secretary General Global Afrikan Congress uk (GACuk) - is an international network of organizations for reparationist formed after the work by Afrikans at the UN World Conference Against Racism 2001. He was one of the participants in the ITRAP International Tribunal of Reparation for the African People that took place in Berlin 2010.

Sista Shanice: Is a radio presenter, author, educator, historian and researcher who will be joined on a weekly basis by specialist guests. She is an independent creator of journalistic at Galaxy Radio on  Community Talk ShowGlobal African Connection  and content that provides a narrative from an African centered perspective.  Banjul Gambia

Kwame Ondo
: Is an actor and filmaker born in Equatorial Guinee. He studied at School of crected arts UWE University  of the West of England Bristol. He is Coordinator of the IV Pan-Africanist Garveyist International in Madrid Spain. He started collaborates with Uhuru Afrika tv & he Reparación Africana, is producer and presenter and editor chef of of the postacad HCX Horizonte Cultural X. He is founding member of SNAAE National Union of Afro-Spanish Artists. 

Mama Yama: She is an African spiritual leader and founder of the Movimiento Afro del Azuay in Cuenca EcuadorAs Coordinator of 4th International Pan-Africanist Garveyista in the midst of a pandemic, she launched the international campaign "justice and reparation for Maribel Pinto", a historic local Pan-Africanist leader who fought for black reparation, murdered by stabbed 113 times. She is editor of Voces de Ebano, a weecly African comunitty show on Radio Católica 98.1 FM. She is Illescas de Oro 2021 award. 

Auntie Jean: She is Panafricanist comunitty activist and Founding member, director and CEO of Garvey Village Social interpreise She is the organizer the Afrikan Culture Market and Black Cultural Radio London UK

Baldw Lumumba
He was member of the Minister of information of Spanish section of the New Black Panthers Party. In 2011 he began as a weekly commentator of Radio Voz de África, in Agorasol Radio, the voice of  international secretary of IV Internacional Garveyista Cimarron in Madrid Spain. In 2013 he was founder member of Uhuru Afrika TV where he stood out as responsible for the Pan-Africanist editorial line. He regularly writes a column in  Reparacion Africana magazine. Where he fights among the Negroe African intellectual elites in defense of Garveyism against the hegemony of the bourgeois line of Williams Du Bois thought in Equatorial Guinea, Latin America and Spain. As a professor of Afrohispanish history at, he was the one who promoted the granting of Doctor Honoris Causa to Dr. Runoko Rashidi on her last trip to Spain.

Sis. Kai Ouagadou-Mbandaka:
She hosted Afrika Speaks with Alkebulan at TENDAI MWARI (Be thankful unto the Creator) As Afrika Speaks celebrates its 300th show on Galaxy Radio, we give them our-ternal love to for their work and vision, and resilience for three and a half decades in building and maintaining the towering edifice that is “The Only De-Brainwashing Station.”  is the global Afrikan community, members of the Galaxy family.

Dr. Andreia Beatrice: She is Dr Medical of prision system at African comunity in Favelas and writer. As panafricanist activist she found  Campanha reaja to stop police brutality and Black genocidal. In 2010 she became member of international oficce on 4th Garveyist International in Brasil. She built a Winnie Mandela Comunity School. In 2016 she found Jornal Assata Shakuand African bookestore in Salvador Bahía Brasil

Mbolo Etofili: 
Engineer University of Valle Colombia. He started in the Garveyist youth of the Pan-Africanist movement Cimarron in Cali. Member of the political bureau of the IV Garveyist Pan-Africanist International. In 1999 he founded the African magazine Burundanga. Creator in 1993 of the Green Ecological Group Life Foundation, the first foundation created by black people in Spain, member of ECOSOC. He is Pan-Africanist High Commissioner for the UN Decade of African Descent 2014-2024. Master in European Policies and Gender UCM.

Efia Nwangaza: WMXP 95.5 Community Radio - The Malcolm X Center for Self Determination. Efia is an attorney, and lifelong political and social justice activist on African reparations in Us, police terror and mass incarceration, Stop Mass Incarceration, Repression and the Criminalization of Generations.She has been in leadership in many other organizations like Green Party (US Senate 2004), National Organization of Women, Amnesty International, Not In Our Name, U.S. Human Rights Network, Pacifica Foundation, Jericho Movement to Free USA Political Prisoners, N’COBRA, Black Is Back Coalition.

Beyinnah Bello
: PhD Haitian historian, writer and humanitarian worker, who has lived and worked in West Africa, including Nigeria, Benin, Togo, Ivory Coast, Liberia. Born in Port-au-Prince Haiti. As Pan-Africanist activist she created the historical research organization Foundation Marie-Claire Heureuse Félicité Bonheur Dessalines, aka Fondasyon Félicité (FF), named for María Clara of Haiti, first emperor consort and wife of the revolutionary leader Dessalines. Following the 2010 earthquake, she created the Friends of Félicité to support reconstruction. She is the founder the Citadel International School. She is  professor at the State University of Haiti. She is the author of several books on Haiti. She was one of the inspirers of Abuy Nfubea's Afrofeminism work.

Abuy Nfubea:
Coordinator and founder of Pan-African Association of Journalists, African Press, Black Comunicator and Bloggers in Europe. He is a journalist, is a member of the International Press Club management, political analyst, writer, editor, lecturer, expert on African history and thought, and pan-African activist, Rastafarian. He is a co-founder of organizations such as the Spanish section New Black Panther Party, OEUA United States of Afrika, FOJA, Pan-Africanist Federation and the IV International Garveyista Cimarrón. He collaborated with different Spanish Medes, North American Europeans. He has directed, presented, founded or promoted different African media: Afrotown, In Action, Omowale, GAS,  Culturas Africanas, Wanafrica, Radio Voz de Afrika, Radio Africa Viva, Uhuru Afrika tv and Reparacion Africana. Abuy appears in films such as Gurumbe, Today begins tomorrow, Nino Brown and  the Informe Robinson program. Several rappers and poets such as Rigorberto Cairo, Yast Solo, Mista or Pablo Hasel have been inspired by him. He was the promoter of the monument campaign for Dr. Alfonso Arcelin and Fighting for reparation for slavery PNL2010. He is a professor of the Pan-Africanism, Black Power and Afrofeminism master's degree at In 2008 he was Doctor Honoris Causa by the Universidad Indígena del Tawansinsuyo Bolivia, La Paz. Some of his books are: Conversaciones con Weja Chicampo: Memorias de un cimaroon Bubi de Guinea Equatorial (2017), Malcolm X y la Genegración Hip-Hop  (2013)  One Africa, One Nation (2006). Afrofeminismo: 50 years of activism and struggles of black women in Spain 1968-2018 (2021) FUNDADOR DE LA RED MUNDIAL DE MEDIOS PANAFRICANISTAS 

Tito Valentín
: Great and historic African journalist and radio broadcaster, is a member of the board of directors, the Garífuna organization OFRANEH (Honduran Black Fraternal Organization) was creating several free community radio stations along the Caribbean coast of Honduras, Guatemala, El salvador. He is director of Garifuna Wagia radio (we Garifuna) in Limon Honduras

Hugo Owizi
: Is an actor and writer, journalist and film director known for Días de dilema (2019). journalist and presenter and 
Director of Ecua Celebs tv the Afrolatin Tv Chanel and media space with thousands of followers Equatorial Guinee. He is one of the foremost experts on Nolywood or Nigerian cinema

Tayla André:  Great and historic African Comunity Radio broadcaster o Radio edutainer "wake up with Tayla André! aunorthodox conversations leading to universal conciouness in Baltimore US 

Marcelle Chagas:
AfroBrazilian Journalist, coordinator of the JP network of journalists for diversity in communication and of the Pan-African Caucus of journalists in Brazil

Sharon Oshun: Writer, healer and journalist. Degree in Psychology and she teach at Jamaica. She collaborate with Roots radio 96.1 fm She is part of the IV International Garveyista in Kingston Jamaica

Kwame Mba: Pan Africanist activist community, co-founder of ARM African Root Movements (4th International Garveyist). For more than 20 years he was radio broadcaster on the Voice of Afrka at Radio Suriname in Amsterdam Holland

Milagrosa Imendji: Colaborator Reparación Africana Magazine Madrid 

Mba Bikie: Editor Reparación Africana Magazine 

Dana: Directora de la revista Gente Negra Argentina

Nsang Cristià Esimi : Presentador y director de La llave - otra África es Possible GE



 1st Juny Saturday Sabado 

Fidel Juez 

12:10 h  Keynote Speaker
From The Negro World y to Instagram. Panafrcanist editorial line at the service of  the battle for win maroon narrative.  Africans must control  the news that we produce and consume. 
Kabu Ma'at Kheru

On the MOVIE WINNIE Debate on flim Winnie 


14:15-15:10h I PLENARY
African food and Black music in the media as liberation tool 

15:40-17: 00h II PLENARY
 The roll Media Comunity againts Black Genocide, Dictorship & police brutality 


17: 00- 18:00h III PLENARY
15th anniversary of reparacion Africana magazine

18: 10- 19:10h IV PLENARY




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