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Since 2012 the Garveyista scene of the last decade HAS BEEN CLARIFIED thanks to the creation of the IV International in the  for the black popular classes of the country. Salary cuts. Worsening of living conditions. Increasing inequalities between blacks and blacks and sexist violence. Laws that attack the civil rights and freedoms of Africans. Continuity of economic development linked to the destruction of the environment where black communities have lived for centuries. Aggressions against African WOMEN such Maribel Pinto and many others. Papa Garvey teach us that all Africans are part of the same nation. So Attacks on our most basic national and democratic rights. And so it is framed in an international context of worsening wars and looting of impoverished African communities. None of this is new, but we have seen it worsen in the context Africans leaders had been kill ( JAIME HURTADO) to impost us integration into the Mercosur, OAS,  were instruments to move towards greater shares of black community freedom for Africans, social welfare and real equality for black people.The ECONOMICAL crisis has accentuated the evidence that all this was a lie. And he has made it clear that the Eurocentric white state is incompatible with national liberties and the reparation of Spanish-speaking black communities, and that patriarchal capitalism is incompatible with democracy, social welfare, African internationalism. It's not new, Marcus Garvey told us that when he went visited Costa Rica, Spain, Panama and Cuba.


We have a widely shared diagnosis. But do we know how to turn this system around? The only successful way was and is Sovereignty, rights, reparation, self-determination as an expression of Black love. We are at a time of great significance for the Pan-Africanist revolutionary advance in Ecuador and Latin America as a whole, the great victory of the IV International Pan-Africanist Garveyistya in Ecuador, has raised the envies and typical expected rivalries of the miserable Housse Negroes. We knew throuhgt the music of Burning Spaer and Denis Brown that when we started the campaing for our sista Maribel and his children, the slave master from the plantation should instrumentalized thouse always imprisoned to destroy the kilombo out of pure envy. This debate explains very well the existing tensions between the groups antagonist wild dissidents of Ecuador with the institutional strategy of Pan-African Ecuador, around of 4th International and coalition, integrated by CUPA, Movimiento Afro de Azuia, Central committee of fourth international, FVGEV, intellectuals and writers souch  Rigobernto Cairo, artists and the solidarity committee with Mariel Pinto). 


That underground dissent is presumed down by a false Rastafarian label. HIM did not run away abandoning or insulting Ethiopian women tortured and raped by Mussolini, as happened to our leader MARIBEL PINTO. Rastafari emerged from the hand of P Howell as a Pan-Africanist Revolutionary spiritualist for liberating, unity African and never against Africans. Because they defied the narrative and mantras of spiritual white supremacy On this, Marcus Garvey said in 1927 in Kingston: "Many rastas in the mountains but if they are maroons they are not rasta." In ECUADOR and Other AREAS of LATIN AMERICA where the Rastafarian leaders were co-opted by the CIA and other prominent Babylonians instituction in the 1980s after the fall of Bob Marley.This effort by government agencies was extended by focusing on the African communities of Latin America where there is a population of 200 million of African, much more than the US, Jamaica, UK combined. So it comes in the memoirs of President Ronald Reagan. So trying despolitized and disconnecting the anticolonial essence from the oppressed African masses, and leaving his socio-political phase. Reducing the spiritual part to the constant search for differences and contradictions with others for any slight cause. During the Marcus Garvey World Conference in Madrid Spain 2020, Brother Leader Mbandaka clarified more than once that this conception of Rastafari is so popular in the Hispanic world, as individualistic ideas that only smoke on the sidelines, while the police, Babylon, rape and kill to our sisters, it is not only false but falsified. This ATTITUDE HAS DELAYED MUCH THE GROWTH OF THE PAN-AFRICANIST struggle in Latin America. And this has been shown more clearly in the context of the VICTORIOUS struggle by Maribel Pinto and all African women community leaders that had been killed in Ecuador.


Some voices in the UN African decade warn that behind the dissent campaign is frustration and the search for recognition by the master. They interpret that it is a strategy to undermine THE MEMORY OF MARIBEL, which we have managed to raise with so much effort. And END with the black LEADERSHIP that we, garveyism represent and whose strategy is the fundamental guarantee of pan-Africanist success in Ecuador. In addition. How important are these Afro-denialist currents? Quantitatively, they are very minority but they do have some defined structures, these are around the debate, they explain themselves. They are united by their rejection of the thematic unity of the Maroons and their longing for folklorism, invisibility, dispersion while Maribel was abandoned in silence. They have gone from advocating an active equidistance with insults described to the Garvey leaders David Quiñones, Maribel, Nila and now Abuy. But we never saw them at the doors of the courts, screaming justice, reparation but in the beautifukl reggea festival like Rottootom in Spain, while Pan-Africanists and revolutionaries from Venezuela, Brazil, Colombia, Ghana, GAC, Camerun, Angola, Holland, Equatorial Guinea, the USA, Spain, the Dominican Republic or the United Kingdom with Sai Kai from Alkelebu-Lan. We went to the call of Abuy Nfubea and the 4th Garveyist Pan-Africanist International. So their hip-hop is aimed at attacking other fighters, so they do not scare the master, because without appreciable consequences for the sentence and the mobilization both in Ecuador and abroad, although they make noise in the networks do not worry at all in the Pan-Africanist headquarters in Cuenca. 

As the greatest shouted: Up, you mighty race, accomplish what you will. 

 Let us continue to fight for justice for Maribel Pinto and build the international Garveyista structures in Ecuador that have been absent for centuries. If in the process of fighting for Maribel, you got lost in the room, and we haven't been up to it, get out of the closet, we're still on time ... signature



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