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What is the Role of Pan-African & Black media?

What is the Role of Pan-African media ?

Abuy Nfubea 

(Director of Uhuru Afrika Televisión)

The Barcelona's fire where 5 Africans died and 29 disappeared and 55 are in the hospital. This news received a scant media treatment and silencing of Black People suffering. At the same time, in a climate of silence, a Spanish Negroe journalist was awarded with the highest human rights award. Of course, she is more concerned with fashion, beauty, visibility, integration and all this ornomental debates with forms and speeches that please and like the slave master while our pain is silenced. If human rights are of any use, it is to have been able to denounce this oppression and demand for reparation in the mainstream media. But we do not direct our Christmas rigor to this sister or white power in black faces. But to the vanguard, the so called Pan-Africanist, Garveyist, Kemitic, Black nationalist or black media, etc.

During the last meeting of 2020, the Association of black journalists in Europe, we discussed these two AFROSPANISH images before above and that made us collectively reconsider our role as Kemitic communicators and journalists. After Barcelona fire some African studients of Jornalist from UCM and black youth ask; what is the role of Pan-Africanist media today and yersterday and black celebrities ?. In the past we had media outlets such as "The Negro World" founded by Marcus & Amy Jacques Garvey, "The Crissis" edited by Williams Dubois, "the Accra Evening News" in (Ghana) by Kwame Nkrumah, Mohammed Speak by Malcolm X, Nation Time by Baba Herman Fergusson The Black Panther by Dr. Huey P. Newton and Burning Spear by Omali Yeshitela. This media played an important role in despertar a la clase trabajadora africana y the Panafrican concience victory and decolonization of African narratives. Today we gat galaxy radio, Radio voz de los sin voz, Pan AfricanDaily TV, The Final call, or Uhuru Afrika tv.

One of the biggest strategy of neocolonialism is control NOT ONLY our economy Franco CFA but our narative and media: CNN, fox, Reuters, The Guardian, RTP Africa, El País etc.. that ensures the control of our mine and the continuity of White Power narrative in the African public opinion. We MUST and gonna debate this central question. The question is What is really the role of the black press African media and black celebrities in internet and the network, entertainment?, entertain the white public opinion or add convience to burn the plantation?. Should it be identified with capitalist consumerism and negationist and intangible forms or on the contrary should it be at the service of the kilombo? Does the Afrikans press exist and if so: at whose service is it?

Why the black press, celebrities, famous and successful black professionals (journalists, sportswomen, politicians, soccer players, actors, musicians) isolate themselves from the movement and collective black revolutionary struggles as reparation and yet give the money to white NGOs created by the slave master to keep plantation under control? Many of these celebrities have support from the LGTBIQ lobby but they do not use this immense power to raise the level of consciousness and thus liberate their community (as white LGTBIQ do) but to promote individualism, elitism, consumerism, eurocentrism, capitalism and the counter insurgency criminalization against the community. Are not these black bourgeois celebrities the main and direct beneficiaries of the liberation struggle for civil rights and the Black Power? Why do professionals and the African elite believe that we are successful because of our academic degrees, white friendships, or W. Dubois talent 10, and not because of the ongoing popular struggles that force the master to put white power on black faces? What role do the Afro media play because they don't talk about kilombos like the Barcelona Badalona fire and if Beyoncé's latest hairstyle or Lio Messi's last car? Rappers who spend € 5,000,00 on a bottle of champagne and designer clothes when the police just killed another black man at the door of his house. WHY AFRICAN COUNTRIES SUCH NIGERIA SPENT MORE BOTTLE OF CHAMPAGNE THAN GERMANY?. Should this celebrities pay a revolutionary tax on popular african struggles? Why are the Jews and whites who talk about popular black struggles while the black so call influencers is focused on the beauty of afro hair as a form of denial? From the indifference and silence of the so call African press, how is the triumph of an Afrocentric narrative or African internationalism possible?

These are the unpublished topics that we have been addressing for a long time and that we must to touch. Even truly pan-Africanist media fell into this dangerous trap and we became complicit, as we did with Obama in 2008. Be very careful with this type of infantilism. Pan-Africanist media cannot repeat the same mistakes that we have already experienced. We have to show clarity and knowledge, the fight for the narrative and not join the opportunistic equidistance of the typical personality cult of Uncle Tom, because with this we promote the demobilization of young people and students who in recent months have gone out on the streets from (Nigeria, Mali, Guinea, Fergusson, Floyd, Salvador de Bahia, Badalona etc ...) These REAL people, not from the internet like those burned in the Barcelona fire, or the 3,850 who died on the coasts of Spain in the 2020. The Panaficanista press was born for and by these people and cannot fail them right now in the internet age as it happened with Lumumba. The pan-Africanist press cannot be in a pathetic romantic relationship with the puppets of imperialism, we must question those African governments, uncle toms, like Senegal, who let their children die at sea, while oppressing their peoples to give resources to the whites and us. we have to emigrate.

These people in Barcelona are abandoned by the white left media SEXTA, the independentist media such TV3 and the right 13TV, only the internationalization of thse conflict through the force of the Pan-Africanist & BLACK media can provide support to the campaign for the reparation of these repeated fires in Spain. This campaign and our people need the maximum echo and media support of the black & Africanist press. That was the role that Negro World, under the leadership of Amy Jaques Garvey played during the fascist invasion of Ethiopia in 1933. Today the Pan-Africanist press of the 21st century is just as stronger and valuable than in 20s. Media created reality, subjetivity and Black Power, do not underestimate yourself, you are important to support the victory of slave, colonized, today immigrants, women and young Africans (Field Niggers) who, as Malcolm x said, are intelligent and consistently hate the slavemaster, that's why they are looking for Hip-Hop, not Trap, Winnie Madikizela and not Beyonce, Sista Souljah and Not the Spice Girls.


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