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Pan-Africanist in Spain honor Angela Davis

  Pan-Africanist Garveyist Maroon Movement  honor   

Angela Davis in Spain 
 "I am a fan of Uhuru Afrika TV, maybe with which I improved my Spanish and learn on the black struggles in afrolatin world ".   
Chuky Malabo
Barcelona.-Uhuru Afrika tv
from lef.  sista Angela Davis with Abuy Nfueba

 The historic encounter between the historic African teacher and activist from Us, Dr. Angela Davis and brother leader, Abuy Nfubea, took place in Barcelona Spain, on October the 10th. The professor and founder of Malcolm Garvey university was accompanied by Chuky Malabo, chief editor of Uhuru Afrika tv in Catalonia and responsible for communication of the pan-African movement in Spain. Abuy clarified that the meeting takes place within the framework of the 33rd anniversary of the founding of the Pan-African Garveyista, Marroon Movement, when in 1986 a group of Equatoguineans students led by MALEVA stormed the South African embassy in Madrid. Despite the years Angela Davis still a very beautiful woman, African and above all very brave. Angela Davis clarified that both leaders have known each other for some time, however on their last trip to Madrid 2006, Davis strongly supported the achievement Reparation PNL. Brother Abuy, said that : "we remembered the last time that she came to Madrid, 2006.  Brother James Valencia and I were in charge of delivering a letter signed by 53 leaders of the African Community in search of their support for the Reparation PNL February 17, 2010.  It was the third meeting that Nfubea has with Angela Davis since1998.  During this visit, Abuy thanked on behalf of the President of the Black Parliament of Spain, Marcelino Bondjale, to which Obama responded with his desire to meet Dr. Bondjale.

Comunitty project 

 The eminent African and activist academy of North America mainly addressed "the importance of Africans write the black history of yesterday so that the young people of today in Spain do not suffer  and want to invent the wheel denying their past. Has been made and given continuity, reparation and grassroots community organization with women to the front in the development of the Black Communities in Spain "and, in that sense, he put as an example the magnificent comunitty project such Uhuru Afrika Tv,  www.malcolmgarveyuniversity. com or Fundacion Vida . It has been a pleasure to hear from Angela Davis here in Barcelone that the recent Pan-Africanist report of the Afro-descendant decade 2014-2024 on the situation of the black community in Spain, issued by a delegation from Fundacion Vida Grupo Ecológico Verde, sista Liliana Casmo and Luis Alberto Alarcon at UN- UNESCO New York last September, arrived to his office at the University of California. 

The Black Liberation Movement in Spain

 The Spanish Garveyist leader in Spain and Dr. Davis also talked about some of our Africans heroes today as: sista Andrea Beatriz from Reaja o sera Morto in Salvador Brazil, Aminata Umoja from Kilombo and Akinyele Umoja from NAPO and Chokwe Lumumba in Jackson Missisipi. She congratulated the Pan-Afrikanist Movement in Spain for keep up the Malcolm X legacy and win the Reparation statement in the Spanish Parliament. "In fact am a fan of Uhuru Afrika TV with which I improved my Spanish" Sista Angela Davis promise suport the campaing of signed for Dr Arcelin. 

 According with the Vice chaiwomen of Pan-African Movement in Spain, Maaba Nguema aka Sista Rufi , " As people, and women who already have gray hair and have dedicated more than 30 years of our lives to the Black Liberation Movement in Spain, these words coming from someone like Angela Davis, show us as Arcelin and Ras Babiker always said that victory is not only certain but that  are our collective destined " . 

 Nfubea and Davis ended their conversation with a remembering Chokew Lumumba, Mayor of Jackson Missispi, whose was Angela Davis comrade and friend, Nfubea,was an assistant in her political campaign. In an special tv show programme Dr. Mbolo Etofili,  read a letter signed by the vicerector of international relations and the rector of the, Luis Alberto Alarcon  and DJ Moula Sasebwera, the decision of the university cloister to grant to Angela Davis the title of Doctor Honoris Causa for considering that it gathered all academic, scientific, social merits. Abuy Nfubea informed that this is a recognition that is exclusively reserved for more radical maroons (not uncle Tom) as Dr. Runoko Rashidi, to which she responded with a smile of the own  of the true field Negroe. She also congratulated, " is very necessary to not lose the memory and to maintain the resistance". She promised to do our best to be in the next issue to receive the Emilio Castelar award and Doctor Honoris Causa from 

Although short, only 2 days these trip of Angela Davis in Spain, reised  a great stir between the African Field Negro Comunitty and even sectors of House Negroe. Radio voz de Afrika, played, speeches of Davis with music of the best rappers not Uncle Tom suchs Dead Prezz, Schoot Heron, Miriam Makeba,  Tracy Chapman and  "ponte en pie" Mr.O or  National Black Anthem Lift Every Voice And Sing For his part in a public statement of which Reparacion Africana has been echoed, Castro Nguema, president of the Garveyist youth organization FOJA and leader of Panafricanist Barcelona chapter, said that "it is a pride to have Angela Davis in Barcelona FOJA shares the commotion And social and political joy with the black community before this historical visit.  

For David Castro, the young leader of Coruña Galicia Chapter, thanked the national executive committee for making this historical moment possible. You show us to many that another hispanidad is possible without caudillos, neocolonialism, fascism and hypocrisy. The struggle exemplified by Angela Davis-he said- is very important for those who have no conscience to wake up to stop nonsense and take action. Im glad to be part of something stop improve our situation for all.Also from Madrid Baldw Lumumba and Mateo Nzambi remarked : As Garveyist Marroon we want to transfers our greeetings and solidarity and welcome to sista Angela, in this sense, we consider it indispensable to approach from all the spheres and by all the Black organizations, stop with folkloric analysis and put on the table a debate and strategic reflection on the oppression and institutional racism of the African  youth that allows the Black Community as a whole to open a cycle of conquest of reparation as a consequence of organization. "


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