- Afroeuropean March for Black reparation
On 17 Febraury 2010 Spanish parliament passed a resolution nemed Apology oficial stement in Spanish PNL calling to make afirmation policies for black comunitty as consecuence of slavery, colonialism, Apartheid and now emigration acoording to Durban Southa Africa conference 2001 . 4 years after black poeple social condition is worst than any comunitty and the killed of 14 black youth by Spanish police in Ceuta last week and other terrorist acction in the streets, police brutality, racial perfilament in street, no job, massive encarceration, concentration camps CIES, and the silence of racist crimes such Aliu, Lucrecia, Ndomble, Samba Martin etc...all this wiht the complicity silence of the so call africans embasies Africa union, CARECOM etc... On the 210 aniversary of Haiti Revolution, we also demand a street named with Dr Alfonse Arcelin, the founder of reparation movement in Spain and the man from haiti who freed a namibian human being expose in the musseum of Banyoles Spain as animal during 200 years. We will concentrate our protest in Barcelone at the simbolic monument of Mr Antonio Lopez: one of the most great slavery trade in the history. Became the richest man in Spain selling africans Owner of streets, place, palaces and museums in the city and all over Spain. We said that if a criminal like Antonio Lopez or Cristopher Colombus can have a monument in a democracy system: why not a Freedom figther and human rigth activist and son of Buckman, Garvey, Thoussaint and Nkrumah as Dr. Alfonse Arcelin?. We call Afrikans all over Europe to came to Barcelona, participated with media, spiritual, economical support and statements. As sista Esther Ekwa said A lutta for reparation continuis.- Pan-Africanist Confederation, PARCOE-Spain, Lukum Taka Asociaciation, afrocaribe asociation, GAC -Spain & FOJA African Organization youth Front
Texto editado por: Esasom Mba Bikie Nosotros el pueblo de Guinea Ecuatorial, no consideramos nuestro país pequeño, por eso decimos GRAN PAÍS. Aunque solo hubiera un hombre y una mujer en este país, para nosotros es EL GRAN PAÍS, DEL GRAN PUEBLO DE LA GUINEA ECUATORIAL. Los guineanos aunque estemos solos, decimos que somos grandes. Por Francisco Macias Nguema Biyogo VIERNES DÍA 19 DE AGOSTO DE 1966 Don ENRIQUE GORI MOLUBELA (Postura del Presidente de la Asamblea ante la INDEPENDENCIA DE Guinea Ecuatorial) Don Enrique Gori Molubela El 19 de agosto de 1966, día de su llegada, el Subcomité hizo una visita al Presidente de la Asamblea General, Don Enrique Gori Molubela. Asistieron a la reunión algunos otros miembros de la Asamblea. En una declaración de bienvenida, el Sr. Gori Molubela informó al Subcomité de que la totalidad del pueblo de Guinea Ecuatorial deseaba que el Territorio obtuviese la independencia. El problema residía en cómo y cuándo. Por su parte, el ...
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