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TRIBUTE TO JAVIER SIALE: Minister of Edutation of FOJA-Black Panther Movement in Spain

(The voice of Africa radio)

Brothers and sisters friends and enemies you are welcome to this meeting, I greet you with the words UHURU that made famous by Chairman Omali Yeshitela who took it by the Mau-Mau army in Kenya which means freedom in Swahili. This is an African language spoken in Uganda, Congo, Kenya itself, and Tanzania and also greet you in the ancient Egyptian spirit of Hotep. And because we are undocumented immigrants field slaves who hate the master I greet you with the old slogan of FOJA, Winnie Mandela and Dr Huey P. Newton Amandla Ngwetu That means in xoxa South African language, All Power to the People .

All this mean understand the history , for the black community and all of Spanish society to understand its true where it comes from freedom and progress of our people and know by Garvey does not come from NGOs but also of the intellectual or rap stars. But of our struggle we pan-Africanist or as some do not like to say: the Maroon. In the history of a people in the Spain, FOJA deserves a significative place because it s one of the longest and richest.

Not just because Of its courage nor its brilliance or because FOJA inspired 3 generation of young Black people in Spain, who Believed in Public Enemy song : “don’t believe Na hype”. That means we are right to resist institutional racism, FOJA Were right to deadly resist the onslaughts of the state, that they were right to Struggle for the freedom of our people. And that why Obama and many others: such PNL was possible. Because we fought don’t forget that. That why during this World Year of African descendents 2011, Dr. Mbolo Etofili and me asked Brother Abuy Nfubea to teach us from the grassroots and field nigger perspective? Where we coming from?.

And we are doing that with a series of historical compilation about Spanish freedom fighters. Afrikan Struggle forged by  anonymous people who in one way or another have been instrumental in making possible the reparation  apology Reparation statement PNL Some of them is died such us general Tcham Bissa or Arcelin. This is important Not only in the 20th -year-FOJA but at the same 2011 World Year of African descendents. If you remember we started with Ivan Eson , then  in July we began with a tribute to Honourable Dr Arcelin, then in Barcelona we spoke on brother  Fermin Nvo aka T-7 . Next week we will talk on Jose Tiger Mendez. Tonight i m glad to introduce you brother Abuy Nfubea who gonna teach us about on hustler Freedom Fighter,  brother Javier Siale Bonaba who fouding member of this movement 2o years ago.


Uhuru brother and sisters!
Thank you. I want to thank every body in the room because you are making history. when her brother Baldw made his esplendid introdution I observed your faces, -whos hell is this person? ok the question is whose is this man. Well, Javier Siale Bonaba was born in Madrid Spain in 1975 from the royal lineage of great Bubi SasEbwera who fought against Spanish occupation and King Malabo Housse Nigger policy in Equatorial Guinea in 1888.  This is the back ground spirit of Siale. Because every body has a spirit without spirit no life no nothing. Behind of this spiritual background Siale was one of the cofounders of FOJA Black Panthers in Spain in November 1990 at Alcalá de Henares and he was pointed up as Minister of Education, because he believe that we need to educated our self, that we doing right here to night... This is historically alone significant who success never can forgot Javier Siale Bonaba. He is by any measure, a most remarkable man. Also he was my comrade and early friends and the first voluntary who became my bodyguard.  I met Javier Siale Bonaba at boarding school in theology classes and Bible studies group. I think it was 86 or 87. I noticed him because he was a very quiet boy, disciplined but was always reading stuff on religion.

 For understand the personality of Heroes like this and his symbolism in Black liberation in Spain you must know that he had shared internally and we got along with a Jesuit priest named Aitor Urtado Bergatxe or something like this. I remember that this priest was from Basque city called Beassain and had been more than 30 years in Africa so he speaking many African languages including Fang, Lingala, Kikongo and others. Most of the missionaries go to Africa with the assumption of cultural superiority but this priests were not so. He was the first man   showed us photos of black gods and pharaohs of Egypt and Akenaton and the Sudanese great pharaohs, the relationship between Jesus and Horus and the whole history of Cheikh Anta Diop and black origin of Christian civilization. Even the racial characteristic of Josef father of Jesus .According to bible they said hi was form the tribe of Can or sem probably Kush. That mean black or Kemmet . We used to study the Bible for hours, we liked most was that the Old Testament and especially all the verses where to park in black Africa.
 In genesis 2, 1-30 tells we discover  that the first country that referred to  the Bible does not Spain, Italy, Portugal, England, Germany, France or the U.S. it was Ethiopia under the name Kush the old name of Abyssinia . We discover in The Bible that when Jesus was persecuted by Romans imperialist and uncles tom from Sanhedrin was led by his followers into exile for 10 years in Africa, where he received asylum and Kamet Egyptian passport. Returned with the support and solidarity of Africa spiritual. When we studied the Bible I and Siale discovered that Europe is not mentioned in the Bible and this was a shock for us. I was a bitch during one week we dint sleep doing our self these questions, "If Jesus never was in Europe and that's in the Bible. If your father is black, mesri, semita, khus, kemet, Sudan, Ethiopia all deferens form to say black, how you can be white bleu eyes? How is possible the images of Jesus blond air with blue eyes that are in the churches around the world, speciality in my town in Equatorial Guinea? Remember that my grand Father was catequiste and he has church in Eson Esasom-Kie Ntem. It was the first time I had notion of cultural colonialism and Euro centrism.

To introduce itself on the great contribution of Africa in the Christianity he learnt that the first Christian monasteries in the world were building in Africa. This gave him self steam to made is personal class suicide according with Cabral and he translate the cultural studies that we learnt with priest to the social struggle. And as Consequence of that he became top go used to go to Catholic parishes to protest against Apartheid in South Africa. Then he change and he became very interest on Tomas Sankara and Winnie Mandela. I remember the day that Diario 16 and El Pais newspaper published the assassination of Dr. Huey P. Newton he ran and showed me the newspaper clipping. It was the first time I saw him talking hungry and fluently. If no get by those whites priests Marist, Salesians and Jesuits we would still be a bunch of Uncle Tom like today are the majority of Black in Spain.

The study of Black history is much really joined me to Siale. Another aspect that I joined to Siale he  was always a football fan, but the basket was good too we was supporting Detroit Piston "bad boys"  and he was fan of Rayo Vallecano used to membership of  the Bukaneros. Siale coming from a military family, it was the son of Lieutenant of Infantry at the Spanish Air force, so he knew both the language and military discipline.  

Siale was fascinated by the struggle against Apartheid and stories about the Black Panthers or the battle of Coutto Canavalle where SWAPO, MPLA with the help of Cuban determinate had dealt a blow to Apartheid. We had devoured books like The Black Panthers speak of Genentech Marin, Ndiaye black youth against imperialism, if it comes for me on the morning of Angela Davis, Kwame Toure of Black Power, philosophy and opinions of Marcus Garvey, Fanon's Black Skin Masks, Aldridge Cleaver Soul on Ice and the Mexican edition of Nkrumah Neo-colonialism: last stage of imperialism, of course, all copies of the other works of Che Guevara that the priests wore military history including the Spanish in Equatorial Guinea, single copies of the newspaper Egin and especially the Black World magazine of the Comboni Missionaries who turns 50 this year. But we also read the novels of Kipling adventures, Hitler Main Kamp and Tarzan movies where you could learn other most potential racist ideology that rule European Union today.

Music is very important to understand the back ground of African revolutionary. Black `people we sprees our self troughs the music so much than trough books .Music is very important to understands the spirit of somebody. The music someone listens is like the books or newspaper you read .So music is very important to distinguish Housse nigger Hip-hop from revolutionary hip-hop or reggae from beach with sexism and homophobic lyrics and Reggae Roots who talk on Rasta Revolution or Marcus Garvey. Although Siale only heard Public Enemy It Takes a Nation ... Fear of Black Planet for me the best rap album of all time. Also Paris, MPMD, Scholly D, Afrika Islam, express yourself from NWA, Bob Marley, but he always like
Uprising of Bob Marley more addicted to SKA to the RAP. He has ska classics like Skatalites, Satelite Kingston Sekta Core! , The Selecter ,Skarface .The Skatalites ,
The Specials, Spitfire (banda) Spook & The Guay ,Statuto Sublime and the Spanish Malarians.

So when we decided to take charge of the Spanish section of the New Black Panther Party asked him to join to the project, as it always took longer than 2 weeks, and in that time and now we blacks youth were so stupid who believed that Ska was White music, Siale has too much rage and as Minister of education he started teaching members of Public Enemy fan club about Linton Kwssi Johnson and SHARP. He teaches us that Ska is a music genre that originated in Jamaica by Africans in the late 1950s, and was the precursor to rock steady and reggae. According to brother Ska combined elements of Caribbean mento and calypso with afroAmerican jazz and rhythm and blues. It is characterized by a walking bass line accented with rhythms on the upbeat. In the early 1960s, ska was the dominant music genre of Jamaica and was popular with British mods. Later it became popular with many skinheads. We learnt on brother Siale that How in late 1960s, some skinheads in the UK had engaged in violence against South Asian immigrants (an act known as Paki bashing in common slang). THIS WAS coordinate by electoral propaganda of NAZIS movement and the skinhead violence in the UK became more near to British Nazis movement who attracted them into racist politicians. But this brother teach us more on his first organization he said that  Skinheads Against Racial Prejudice (SHARP), which was founded in New York City in 1987 and  arrived to Spain at those days.

Siale gave 4 session of this Black history class and we won about 20 new members. When the move of so called 5th Centenary of the so call Columbus discover 1992 we was about 2 chapters (Alcala, and  Fuenlabrada) This was the more critical time when  Spain tried ejecting and expel  African people from the building of Hispanity. The racist official historians decreed “A meeting between 2 people” (whites and Indians) Siale said furious: what about the black slaves? We was the working class in Spanish impair. The official statement so call socialist government by Felipe Gonzales was really reactionary and racist not only for us but against indigenous people who suppose being discovered by white people. About Africans they didn’t even say anything. Even they didn’t say that there is a country in Africa who speak Spanish and took their independence day on Columbus Day. They try to invisibilized us. They present Latin-America as a place of majority withes people  In that days no too much Africans know that in Colombia, Ecuador, Venezuela, Bolivia Argentina, Chile you have the largest African community. Only we know about Cuba, Peru and Brazil because football player like Pele or Cubillas but nothing more.  Siale believed that if the Panthers existed was for such crimes.

We had to do something; he said so Serafin and I ask him to visit some Rap disco and try to recruit some brethren for a protest outside the AECI-Minister of foreign Affairs of Spain. He did it: he recruited 9 people 7 black and 2 white as he plowed a member of antifascist Coordination in Madrid. But then he changes the plans. He said it was too dangerous for foreign journalists but the police had could massacre us charged with disorderly conduct or contempt of authority. For the national press was not going to give it a second about niggers that express in Castilian.

Appeared with a copy of the magazine Tam-Tam which spoke of the history of a black stuffed in a museum in Banyoles Catalonia and a Malcolm X called Dr. Alfons Arcelin success trying to boycott the Olympics in Barcelona: We must go there and give this mother fucker security , he is the kind of  field Negroes  Malcolm X talking about !. The room froze. Whether to go there, how?. There I realized that talking about history of books is not the same as take responsibility to transform it. To carry out the Arcelin campaign Siale insisted it should have the maximum support and consensus within the movement and we need some deep change into the movement for this general assembly was convened on the campus of the Labour University. Tommy did not see the potential to bring together all Panthers in college to say something on a black stuffed in a museum, eventually with that style calm but very commitment Siale convinced them. So Tommy was responsible for all the logistics.

To Siale was a constituent congress. As we knew that black student uncle tom on the campus would come and we knew they are very scattered fashion style that we refused at African College  at completeness university talking on Senghor when we was on Ogsayefo or Diop, so the meeting banned effusive greetings and interventions over 8 minutes. Many educated blacks were so stupid that when he heard the story of Arcelin, denied it, I could not believe that full democracy and the twentieth century had this situation in Catalonia. They mistook the constitution with the daily facts of oppression and all were afraid to plunge any responsibility on change our reality. So Siale brought people of the streets, gangs, members of gangs like Colours, Simplemente hermanos, Bra and people who had moved in the Student rallies Known as Cojo Manteca.

Therefore included only a single presentation: From Malcolm X to Dr. Arcelin. And at the invitation sheet added, "if disagree with this do not come. That afternoon he said that we must to make some change and we agree to sign the decree of unification between the Colours, Public Enemy Fan Club and the Student Association Frantz Fanon. For better understanding that document abolished all currents within the Panther movement in Spain and Association Frantz Fanon took the control of movement declaring the need of Chimurenga against Skin head Nazis terrorism.

After that campaign for Arcelin and against so call Columbus discover in 1993, and when became the 1st Panther Congress IN 1995  after A Million men march, FOJA  grew up from their original 2 chapters it was about 3 chapters more. Leon, Torrejon, Saragossa, Valencia, Alicante and Euskadi and Barcelone founded by brother Obiang Nsang . After El Ejido pogroms against African workers Siale predicted the rise of intercultural mediation as a strong ideological counter insurgency method against immigrant’s workers and black organizations.

After the Durban conference 2001 he Predict the rise of Black Reparation struggle the coming statement of Slavery Apology which we Call PNL. When we were in the Omowale process ` in social club Kie-ntem where he met some friends of his father such even he was a Capitan of Spanish Navy we called him ñamboro (elder or big brother in fang language). Assama and Siale father’s were close friends since adolescence, and then came together from the Spanish province of Equatorial Guinea to study at the Military Academy in 1962. So when Assama saw us with Siale he opens us all the doors in Kie-Ntem Social club.

 I remember that Siale was very happy to met Asama. And he told me that he would start to learn bubi language at college Africa. Brother Kundu and I commissioned him to write a paper summarizing all the internal debates made in Almeria, Barcelona that was given to the process of internal debate where the Panther Movement FOJA gave up the lead and called on all Afros organizations to start together a new political mass project movement called Pan-African Federation. More than 34 organizations came we used to meet at the Social Club Kie-Ntem every Sunday morning during 2 mount. Other documents were read by Mbolo Etofili, student of the faculty of medicine headed by sista Okenve, Carlos Ferreyra, Catalina Mikew, Baldw Omowale, Lio Nsumbi, Marcelino Bondjale, Kundu Badja, Yeye, Professor DJ Moula, Pastor Kipambi, Professor Seydou Kone and Assama etc...

Assama was too much respect by young black people Because he never assume this typical negationist Negroe relationship against African poor masses, but he pushed us to built a mass organization and even he never criticized any political action of Black Panther including when the community when after 1st Lisbon AfroEuropean conference, FOJA expelled Mrs Maribel Blazquez from Health Institute Carlos III to the 1st constituent meeting of the Pan-Africans Federation. Of course The Health Institute Carlos III Spend the resources that the European Commission sends Afro-Spanish organizations for fighting AHIDS.

 But not only the misappropriation of funds,  but his neo-colonial reactionary statement. She tried to introduce discord, racism, white supremacy, Eurocentric , fear, division, tribalism in organizations from Mali, Senegal, Colombia, Santo Domingo, Ghana, Nigeria, and Conakry with

" Ok if you do that you will shall be absorbed by the Equatoguineans. You want to go from official program to be oppress by other Afrikans ? Do you do want to do a Federation only by black, why?.  Are you racist against me because im white people?

The chairman of Assembly Brother Kundu Badja, understand that these words did not have any good intentions and its mind was clearly demobilizing and destroy the unite spirit that we brought from Lisbon. The assembly understood that the terms reflected in those statements were not acceptable from any point of view. So the Assembly invited her and one of her house nigger to leave the room. Brother Siale with his natural cool and high education warning them that if does not to fill the above requirement will proceed to enforcement in accordance with the wishes and will executive of the assembly.
When she leaves the room she said that we have no future, well 10 years after here we are and as Dr Dre and Snoop Dogy Dog, Song we still. We could never have taken this step without the contribution of Siale and responsible attitude of elder Asama.

This is was the spiritual forces driving by Siale. One Sunday he didn’t came to the meeting and we suppose that he was very busy because he was student of Law at UNED University, Two day after his brother Ismael phone me and he told me that Siale had just died in a car accident in the Canary Islands. Wau!!!! This was a tremendous shock and we cried and prayed a lot for his soul, because as we used to say in the old days of FOJA, in relation to Dr. Arcelin the heroes never die. Dr. Arcelin was a very sensitive person and by phone I could feel his tears. At the request of FOJA
 Central committee Siale was the one coordinated the personal security complex with bodyguards from parachute brigade and legionaries during the first conference of Dr. Arcelin in Madrid 1994.

You see Siale; it was not only a truly deep thinker, but an organizer activist. He was a diffident, very quiet but very determined great organizer. Where we could Be Studied devoid of the Excess of Sometimes emotion clouds that our thinking. Siale should be fully seen, in all of historical brilliance, and political capacity. He should be fully seen, as a fallible human being. As a Man who tried to free our people by - in Malcolm's immortal words - "Any Means Necessary." we will remember him for his strong contributions, courage and historical facts. Because the Bible says that by their deeds, they will be known.

For the children of black community must to be easy to write with admiration of the life and Contributions of Siale, Even today when Some of those Negroes intellectual and opportunistic who are beneficiary of the great struggle made by FOJA disagree Minimize its scope and intentions as well as the fact of FOJA. Just because they have achieved their privileges ignoring the process and collective struggle of organizations such Foja and the highs commitment of people like Siale, Tcham or Arcelin. But brothers and sisters IF we want to understand the history of reparation in Spain and the last major step towards the final victory made by the Maroons of the black community  (PNL) HOW it was conceived and its true important, we must to know first whose we are?, How we become like this?, Where we come from?  How we have done what little we have? . Siale of course like all great persons tried to be insightful with all the limitations of the human being.

He  was many things, brilliant, mercurial, driven, determined - But he was also human being he love his family and Of course he made mistakes. Both Political and personal mistakes because when you are in the leadership against oppression you should committed it. But he didn’t make it alone. In fact FOJA as social forces ¡ committed a lot of mistakes but only those who fight committed errors. Indeed FOJA while fallible but too is true that many of those mistakes allowed us to Be Made.

We know the counterinsurgency role played by Du Bois the white Communists PC-USA and  the FBI to destroy UNIA because he challenge the verdict of the colonizer. Garvey claimed the African identity for all blacks in the world, and thus developed a political line that truly recognize the nature of our oppression and exploitation and showed us the way forward for our liberation.
Du Bois represented the petty bourgeois reactionaries skinny refined; As we Garvey leads the Afrikan Working Class then as now the, fought against Garvey because as today's followers of Garvey in Spain sought to assimilate and capitulation for the imperialist system make them a hole, and now Spain are always in opposition to Garvey. But those who have money like Du Bois, what they done for free us here in Spain?. Let me tell you:  nothing. Because they lack value that have not committed any errors. Only thing they did is driven by envy slander and conspiring against the PNL and the actual wrestlers coming to the end of his glamour. They turned more ridiculous inviting poor immigrants to caffe and pay it with a 500 note .

Siale knew them very well and felt the same punishment that all of us to these Uncle Tom. Shame because despite having economic legitimacy have done absolutely nothing to free ourselves from the chains that bind us. In fact, during the black Associations meeting last October one of these coconuts (brown white inside out), he repeated to everyone, "who approaches Abuy or Alarcon  is burned" and it said this in the context of an event organized High Council for the black community an organization founded by Abuy Nfubea, Luis Alarcon and Kadi Koita in Brussels in 2007.

These brothers are psych, they aim to be rigorous. But how one can say with a minimum of seriousness it is a fan of the Spanish national soccer, and do a study on the world champion soccer, Spain:  and you do not even questions Casillas, Iniesta, Torres or Xavi, but you interview to Sara Carbonero ?

They doing a study on the Black struggle under the pretentious title ofmemory and recognition of community African and African descendants in Spain:
The role of the Pan-Africanist leadership
. And the funny thing is that they no interview or consultation at the forefront maroons who win the recognition. Instead they seek the sources on white Medias of the plantation. Thereby contribute to those who never fought for the recognition of African community and African descendants in Spain nor never had any role in the Pan-Africanist leadership, because they fear death flogged by the slave master
But this is serious question, 80 years ago they said same thing against Marcus Garvey. In Spain our organization is the direct heir of the universal Negroe Improvement Association and UNIA African community league founded by Garvey in 1914 under the motto, "One God, One Aim, One Destiny" So we say that we are not Pan Africanist sort Du Bois and other opportunist but as Ogsayefo, Diop, Malcolmx, Winnie Mandela, Omali, Lumumba, Cabral, Sabukwe and other legitimate children of Garvey such as Siale. So we must to denounce them like Garvey did to clarify to the black masses, who is the enemy and whose are their collaborators.

 So in memory of Siale a legitimate son of Garvey, in the 20th anniversary of  FOJA epic I asked  brother Rigoberto Cairo use his  great talent to inspired us,  indeed he is   one of our best  poetry writers, no built  an  epic song for Siale. So the today's griots should know his praises by Writing this is a lonely art. One Need Not to seek wide agreement "Give voice to the rumblings of the mind, or the soul”. And when we remember Siale we must know that people like him emerged as collective political force who tries to organize these forces, we called UNIA, FOJA and today Pan-African Federation. Any social force in struggle who wants defeat oppression that no led by an organization fails or is co-opted by the Uncle Tom or the so called white left. 

Because Siale understood that true he might be remains, as a brilliant Revolutionary lover of African children, Who Learned how to pierce the rock-hard psyches of our people - Especially Our young brothers and sisters. Doest matter what slave Master say on him or what middle class Negroes chick intellectual that only exist in internet-never in street- say. Doest matter what intercultural mediators or traditional Eurocentric and press and scholar say. We still fiercely loving Siale and Perhaps too much so. 
Siale is a Man of Remarkable courage and brilliance signal. In

We must learn from our history and through those positive attributes, to win a political resulted at 2011 as a world wide year of African descendent. This year NEVER must be defined by the RAP Super start fashion models or what brother Ras Babiker called revolutionary tourist who Babylon show  in the news but never see them when you have some trouble. This year maybe define by the spirit of love building of Siale and FOJA. We thank god by those delicious moment, and the privilege that we had to meet him and fight the power along with him and learn from the impact of his social-moral example of total compromise to Afrikan liberation at home at broad. Because HE DIED loving their people, specially our young brothers and sisters in Spain.


Many Ways
, PNL came into being because of FOJA   will, and our strength.


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