"Racism is not biological but is political question, legal and VERY institutional” Nelson Mandela OPEN Letter director of the Durban Review Conference, 2009.
Mr Clark Richard Anti-Discrimination UnitCell phone: +41 79 444 37 07Fax: +41 22 928 90 10Email: rclarke@ohchr.org
Dear Mr. Clarck
Yours sincerely and respectfully, in the name of Black Fields Nigger organizations in Spain and other victims of the institutional racism. The reason for our letter is to express you our outrage at the black community have been excluded from the Durban review conference, to be held in Geneva, switzerland, 20-24 April 2009. This conference will evaluate progress towards the goals set by the World Conference against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance in Durban, South Africa, in 2001. Since 2001 black Organizations and before are fighting against institutional racism and suffering daily repression. For over 2 months we have phoned, fax , email or writing you in more than 13 times our responsible international Affairs made contact with you without success. Is very unfortunate that you send us over and over again the list of NGOs accredited when we have properly completed their registration are not there.
And this is even more regrettable when you says comes from the grassroots and then you try to strangle the African grassroots marroons pretending not to know what is happening and presented to the of the racist and so the UN is acting with an accomplice and criteria of Apartheid in South Africa. Despite having registered in December from more than 23 organizations they dont appear in any list. You have always been delaying mechanisms and sophistry distractories and pretend it did not receive the information. This information has been sent by fax to over 3 times. Be informed of this grave situation to the German association of human rights, African Union 6th Region, the center of black women from Austria Vienna, Dr. Elias Murillo of Colombia Embassy, Embassy of Guinea Equatorial London, The brislian Minister of racial equality, the Green Party spokesman in the European parliament and senator from Tennessee and prize Castelar Emilio Dr Steve Cohen. We receiving silence from you and false promises that their files were being processed or non-existent. We have tried unsuccessfully to inform you (phone, fax, mail) and today we didn recive any contact that confirm us nothing making is serious deslegitimacy to the entire purpose of the conference in Durban . Mr Clark we want to remember you that: With his behaviour this silence are trying to blur the objective of the conference was not a concession but the UN which was proposed by Marcus Garvey and Du Bois for African reparations.The purpose of United Nations in 2001 was to seek an exit from combat racism and reparations for victims. However you despite their fine words have always acted like it had the slave tom guys who seek to legitimize the rule of oppression, genocide denial and institutional racism experienced by blacks in Europe and they have legitimate organizations recently formed just 5 months supporting these crimes with his silence.
You are responsible for the exclusion to those who questioned the deliberately racist order which operate international relations, political cooperation, immigration, and any black policy FRONTEX in Spain . Why the UN has promote our exclusion and discrimination.? We refuse to be uncle’s tom and kneeling before the violence of the Spanish state and the institutions as FRA, Europaid, UNESCO which use tom to play this vicious, miserable and immoral and illegal game. That is the reason that 80% of black organizations in Europe (Portugal, Spain, Holland, Greece, Germany, Belgium, and France) who fight against racism are excluded from the Durban conference review in Geneva 2009. Mr. Clark is therefore exempt from any blame because you are doing what Europe has done with the blacks people: exclusion, invisibility and democratic violence is sure that with this attitude probably you will someday lead the United Nations General Assembly but not you've got end the racism that is aimed at the Durban conference. Why you legitimate Spanish government and their local NGO Commission so as when you know very good a cording to our report this Mafia NGO are the most racist institution, Eurocentric and White supremacy here in Spain and Portugal.? But you are responsible that more and more European black citizens are joining the Jews who claim to base everything in Geneva is and will be quite a farce: when you delegitimize any black NGO who stood up against violence and injustice . You are violating the laws of human rights that it created by the international community. The Tutelage and mediation is institutional racism and Anywhere in Spain and Portugal to go see that one of poverty, impunity and the violent exclusion applies to a very selective way to the black community.
If we stop with rigor and without demagoguery of anthology will see that the most backward materially persist endemically where: famine, widespread and extreme poverty, marginalization and social fragmentation, lack of basic services, potable water, impunity, pandemics, lower expectations life, high infant mortality, high risks and high vulnerability to natural disasters, political and social non-stoppage of work, low levels of schooling and literacy, high incidence of violation of Human Rights, Civil, Social and direct impact of armed conflict, denial of asylum law, low participation, institutional racism and exclusion and invisibility in the bodies of widespread participation. 90% of NGOs do not have any spaces of participation. All policies towards black people in these 8 years are still based on: invisibility, assistance, mentoring, hurt, love and pain, the Afro-pessimism, the boats and the traffic misery as extreme forms of denial: a neo-colonial dependency continues through the super-macro NGOs. In this and no other form of racism is expressed in the black community this leads us to wonder as did Martin Luther King in his work why we can not expect. The black community is the most oppressed and subjected to institutional racism daily actually in the Spanish democracy. In the spirit of Dr Tcham Bissa pan-African movement have put up political debate by the UN at the line Garvey’s made it in 1923, to defeat Negrophobia as specific agenda based on a commitment to victims and affirmative action.
Faced with the lack of political immigrants who entered the institutions and parties on behalf of Africans after the strikes and sit-ins of 2001, our commitment must be firm in demanding commitment in terms of affirmative action policies with Victims of racism: beyond the rhetoric and politicking that creates commissions on racism in the parliament including all groups except blacks: the greatest victims. The Pan African Movement in Spain and Portugal today renewed its commitment to victims of racism and affirm that any Institutional or not the fight against racism to have the slightest legitimacy has to be first and foremost with the leadership of the victims of racism and its representatives: the black community. The Pan Africanist Movement not wants or need to be complicity or concomitant with the arrival and institutional Blackphoby in Geneva. There is no noise and clamour and did not reach any political goal. We need to educate in the formation of a responsible leadership like Dr. King, Malcolm X, Lumumba, Huey Newton, Cabral, Biko, Tcham Bissa etc. You have been shown that the institutions are not ready to accept blacks. You lost the great opportunity to listen the REAL genocide that black suffer in Spain and Portugal.. When you said you don’t know the Fundacion Vida grupo ecologico Verde and you admitted to ambassador of Colombia in Geneva Dr Murillo that you have it report, this is the clearest manifestation of complicity with institutional racism. You try to deny the story and follow the negative effects of structural and systematic annihilation against black’s grassroots. You must know that that the little progress has been made in Spain since 2001 has not been for the goodwill of the slave master or house nigger but by the commitment and determination of grassroots. Never by those glamours speakers. It was and is the determination of the democratic and constitutional struggle of the impoverished with power in the institutions. We can say that at present. Explained by Kwame Toure in his book Black Power.
Durban can not move forward on reconciliation and legitimacy, or evaluate progress towards the goals set by the World Conference against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance in Durban, South Africa, in 2001. if don’t accept the voice and the report of the victims and field Negroes. Durban revue MUST stop its arrogance against the grassroots organization and humiliate them speaking on democracy with the only goal of exclusion them. The Dignity is the highest of human condition.
The pan-African movement is the only Field Niger organization that is focusing efforts not partisan or sectarian in providing conceptual clarity to the danger of the rise of institutional racism and Negrophobia within society like the Spanish, Africa Union, OEA, SEGIB, and UNESCO and other. In contrast to the speech negationists, accomplice demagogue based on impunity, crow back, homerita and concomitance with the racism of TUTELAGe and mediation made by your friend the so call Spanish NGO Commission. Since 2001 our struggle since the consistency was and is crucial to create a new political scenario for the defeat of institutional racism we have managed to neutralize the political and legal instrument of the denial of the existence of racism, slavery and black community itself and we open a real chance to rule on democratic foundations and institutional racism. Therefore many of our members have been imprisoned and our youth center for integration Aicha is about to close its doors as a result of the raids, fines and criminalization experienced by the black community. Our children must know that the struggle of the popular sectors of Africans has been crucial to Spainto open doors to lift caps and restore dignity to the black community in this country pay more visibility, repair, democracy and empowerment. We express our congratulations, respect and congratulations to all the black workers who earn a decent and honest life in the top manta daily violence victims of institutional racism and the silence of the macro tutelage of NGOs who will meet in Geneva with you as if they always have the word and the victims will be welcomed.
We recall that thanks to the commitment of black movement, Spain began to realize that as shown Malcolm x debate since the concepts of racism and conflict of a political-institutional and non-biological or to have good love but. And so we want to send a fraternal greeting to all families of the victims of racism negrofobo-Ibrahim Samb, Lucrecia Pérez, Miwa, Antonio Fonseca, Murab, Desire, Prisca Oyono. The family of Dominican brother shoot in a head and killed the last week in Madrid by disco guard but especially to those who daily fight for human rights, to the hundreds of thousands of Black children, our children who are looking for a reference profile, democracy, empowerment and responsibility. For those, we can not disappoint, betray or abandon. Ana Nzingha teches us if you applaud the bad you becomes criminal. So the Black Community of Spain and especially the pan-African movement can not or want to be complicit in a circus-picnic that comes to exclude from the agenda the issues that are central organizations and the reparation and racism that brought the European state such as Spain who have not implemented any measure those 8 years before Durban. We know that you are receiving a strong pressure from these states, as in his days the League of Nations in 1923 made against Garvey. Such as Paris AU 2007, in Geneva black community from Spain don’t will have no voice and we will just mere spectators of racist crimes that are committed with the complicity of the Spanish NGOs commission that will be in Geneva and that profit through their silence and concomitance. Geneva is not the beginning or the end of the struggle against racism; and the struggle against institutional racism must and will continue. The Pan-African Federation in Spain in defence of our Democracy rigths and our people and according to African internationalism we will continue to fight for redress against racism and denouncing those institutions. Because as Winnie Mandela and Amilcar Cabral said: to fight is not a crime. we where we are because we fought.
UHURU Parla Madrid Spain 29 March 2009
RADIO VOZ DE AFRICA 107.9 FM Federación panafricanista de las comunidades negras de
EspañaFundación vida Grupo Ecológico Verde
Organización estados unidos de África OEUA
Mr Clark Richard Anti-Discrimination UnitCell phone: +41 79 444 37 07Fax: +41 22 928 90 10Email: rclarke@ohchr.org
Dear Mr. Clarck
Yours sincerely and respectfully, in the name of Black Fields Nigger organizations in Spain and other victims of the institutional racism. The reason for our letter is to express you our outrage at the black community have been excluded from the Durban review conference, to be held in Geneva, switzerland, 20-24 April 2009. This conference will evaluate progress towards the goals set by the World Conference against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance in Durban, South Africa, in 2001. Since 2001 black Organizations and before are fighting against institutional racism and suffering daily repression. For over 2 months we have phoned, fax , email or writing you in more than 13 times our responsible international Affairs made contact with you without success. Is very unfortunate that you send us over and over again the list of NGOs accredited when we have properly completed their registration are not there.
And this is even more regrettable when you says comes from the grassroots and then you try to strangle the African grassroots marroons pretending not to know what is happening and presented to the of the racist and so the UN is acting with an accomplice and criteria of Apartheid in South Africa. Despite having registered in December from more than 23 organizations they dont appear in any list. You have always been delaying mechanisms and sophistry distractories and pretend it did not receive the information. This information has been sent by fax to over 3 times. Be informed of this grave situation to the German association of human rights, African Union 6th Region, the center of black women from Austria Vienna, Dr. Elias Murillo of Colombia Embassy, Embassy of Guinea Equatorial London, The brislian Minister of racial equality, the Green Party spokesman in the European parliament and senator from Tennessee and prize Castelar Emilio Dr Steve Cohen. We receiving silence from you and false promises that their files were being processed or non-existent. We have tried unsuccessfully to inform you (phone, fax, mail) and today we didn recive any contact that confirm us nothing making is serious deslegitimacy to the entire purpose of the conference in Durban . Mr Clark we want to remember you that: With his behaviour this silence are trying to blur the objective of the conference was not a concession but the UN which was proposed by Marcus Garvey and Du Bois for African reparations.The purpose of United Nations in 2001 was to seek an exit from combat racism and reparations for victims. However you despite their fine words have always acted like it had the slave tom guys who seek to legitimize the rule of oppression, genocide denial and institutional racism experienced by blacks in Europe and they have legitimate organizations recently formed just 5 months supporting these crimes with his silence.
You are responsible for the exclusion to those who questioned the deliberately racist order which operate international relations, political cooperation, immigration, and any black policy FRONTEX in Spain . Why the UN has promote our exclusion and discrimination.? We refuse to be uncle’s tom and kneeling before the violence of the Spanish state and the institutions as FRA, Europaid, UNESCO which use tom to play this vicious, miserable and immoral and illegal game. That is the reason that 80% of black organizations in Europe (Portugal, Spain, Holland, Greece, Germany, Belgium, and France) who fight against racism are excluded from the Durban conference review in Geneva 2009. Mr. Clark is therefore exempt from any blame because you are doing what Europe has done with the blacks people: exclusion, invisibility and democratic violence is sure that with this attitude probably you will someday lead the United Nations General Assembly but not you've got end the racism that is aimed at the Durban conference. Why you legitimate Spanish government and their local NGO Commission so as when you know very good a cording to our report this Mafia NGO are the most racist institution, Eurocentric and White supremacy here in Spain and Portugal.? But you are responsible that more and more European black citizens are joining the Jews who claim to base everything in Geneva is and will be quite a farce: when you delegitimize any black NGO who stood up against violence and injustice . You are violating the laws of human rights that it created by the international community. The Tutelage and mediation is institutional racism and Anywhere in Spain and Portugal to go see that one of poverty, impunity and the violent exclusion applies to a very selective way to the black community.
If we stop with rigor and without demagoguery of anthology will see that the most backward materially persist endemically where: famine, widespread and extreme poverty, marginalization and social fragmentation, lack of basic services, potable water, impunity, pandemics, lower expectations life, high infant mortality, high risks and high vulnerability to natural disasters, political and social non-stoppage of work, low levels of schooling and literacy, high incidence of violation of Human Rights, Civil, Social and direct impact of armed conflict, denial of asylum law, low participation, institutional racism and exclusion and invisibility in the bodies of widespread participation. 90% of NGOs do not have any spaces of participation. All policies towards black people in these 8 years are still based on: invisibility, assistance, mentoring, hurt, love and pain, the Afro-pessimism, the boats and the traffic misery as extreme forms of denial: a neo-colonial dependency continues through the super-macro NGOs. In this and no other form of racism is expressed in the black community this leads us to wonder as did Martin Luther King in his work why we can not expect. The black community is the most oppressed and subjected to institutional racism daily actually in the Spanish democracy. In the spirit of Dr Tcham Bissa pan-African movement have put up political debate by the UN at the line Garvey’s made it in 1923, to defeat Negrophobia as specific agenda based on a commitment to victims and affirmative action.
Faced with the lack of political immigrants who entered the institutions and parties on behalf of Africans after the strikes and sit-ins of 2001, our commitment must be firm in demanding commitment in terms of affirmative action policies with Victims of racism: beyond the rhetoric and politicking that creates commissions on racism in the parliament including all groups except blacks: the greatest victims. The Pan African Movement in Spain and Portugal today renewed its commitment to victims of racism and affirm that any Institutional or not the fight against racism to have the slightest legitimacy has to be first and foremost with the leadership of the victims of racism and its representatives: the black community. The Pan Africanist Movement not wants or need to be complicity or concomitant with the arrival and institutional Blackphoby in Geneva. There is no noise and clamour and did not reach any political goal. We need to educate in the formation of a responsible leadership like Dr. King, Malcolm X, Lumumba, Huey Newton, Cabral, Biko, Tcham Bissa etc. You have been shown that the institutions are not ready to accept blacks. You lost the great opportunity to listen the REAL genocide that black suffer in Spain and Portugal.. When you said you don’t know the Fundacion Vida grupo ecologico Verde and you admitted to ambassador of Colombia in Geneva Dr Murillo that you have it report, this is the clearest manifestation of complicity with institutional racism. You try to deny the story and follow the negative effects of structural and systematic annihilation against black’s grassroots. You must know that that the little progress has been made in Spain since 2001 has not been for the goodwill of the slave master or house nigger but by the commitment and determination of grassroots. Never by those glamours speakers. It was and is the determination of the democratic and constitutional struggle of the impoverished with power in the institutions. We can say that at present. Explained by Kwame Toure in his book Black Power.
Durban can not move forward on reconciliation and legitimacy, or evaluate progress towards the goals set by the World Conference against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance in Durban, South Africa, in 2001. if don’t accept the voice and the report of the victims and field Negroes. Durban revue MUST stop its arrogance against the grassroots organization and humiliate them speaking on democracy with the only goal of exclusion them. The Dignity is the highest of human condition.
The pan-African movement is the only Field Niger organization that is focusing efforts not partisan or sectarian in providing conceptual clarity to the danger of the rise of institutional racism and Negrophobia within society like the Spanish, Africa Union, OEA, SEGIB, and UNESCO and other. In contrast to the speech negationists, accomplice demagogue based on impunity, crow back, homerita and concomitance with the racism of TUTELAGe and mediation made by your friend the so call Spanish NGO Commission. Since 2001 our struggle since the consistency was and is crucial to create a new political scenario for the defeat of institutional racism we have managed to neutralize the political and legal instrument of the denial of the existence of racism, slavery and black community itself and we open a real chance to rule on democratic foundations and institutional racism. Therefore many of our members have been imprisoned and our youth center for integration Aicha is about to close its doors as a result of the raids, fines and criminalization experienced by the black community. Our children must know that the struggle of the popular sectors of Africans has been crucial to Spainto open doors to lift caps and restore dignity to the black community in this country pay more visibility, repair, democracy and empowerment. We express our congratulations, respect and congratulations to all the black workers who earn a decent and honest life in the top manta daily violence victims of institutional racism and the silence of the macro tutelage of NGOs who will meet in Geneva with you as if they always have the word and the victims will be welcomed.
We recall that thanks to the commitment of black movement, Spain began to realize that as shown Malcolm x debate since the concepts of racism and conflict of a political-institutional and non-biological or to have good love but. And so we want to send a fraternal greeting to all families of the victims of racism negrofobo-Ibrahim Samb, Lucrecia Pérez, Miwa, Antonio Fonseca, Murab, Desire, Prisca Oyono. The family of Dominican brother shoot in a head and killed the last week in Madrid by disco guard but especially to those who daily fight for human rights, to the hundreds of thousands of Black children, our children who are looking for a reference profile, democracy, empowerment and responsibility. For those, we can not disappoint, betray or abandon. Ana Nzingha teches us if you applaud the bad you becomes criminal. So the Black Community of Spain and especially the pan-African movement can not or want to be complicit in a circus-picnic that comes to exclude from the agenda the issues that are central organizations and the reparation and racism that brought the European state such as Spain who have not implemented any measure those 8 years before Durban. We know that you are receiving a strong pressure from these states, as in his days the League of Nations in 1923 made against Garvey. Such as Paris AU 2007, in Geneva black community from Spain don’t will have no voice and we will just mere spectators of racist crimes that are committed with the complicity of the Spanish NGOs commission that will be in Geneva and that profit through their silence and concomitance. Geneva is not the beginning or the end of the struggle against racism; and the struggle against institutional racism must and will continue. The Pan-African Federation in Spain in defence of our Democracy rigths and our people and according to African internationalism we will continue to fight for redress against racism and denouncing those institutions. Because as Winnie Mandela and Amilcar Cabral said: to fight is not a crime. we where we are because we fought.
UHURU Parla Madrid Spain 29 March 2009
RADIO VOZ DE AFRICA 107.9 FM Federación panafricanista de las comunidades negras de
EspañaFundación vida Grupo Ecológico Verde
Organización estados unidos de África OEUA
He was a great master, who taught us many things.
ResponderEliminarMay his soul rest in peace.