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                                                                                          Political analisis Afrodecendent decade ONU

WE DEMAND REPARATION                                                                                      4 AFRICANS IN COLOMBIA

Mbolo Etofli Luis A.                                                     4th Internacional Pan-Africanist Garveyist Maroon womanist Rastafar & Global African Congres GAC Spain. He is  ECOSOC member of Afrodecendent decade UN 2014-2024

Uhuru !

Before the TV images and calls for demonstrations for the repression and violence of human rights in Colombia. Garveyists and other Pan-Africanists who have been fighting for decades and denounced the genocide in our African communities in Latin America with the indifference of the media and international organizations, we must be very cautious and not allow ourselves to be dragged or deceived by these false dialectics or fads along the way. Goerge Floyd, abandoned the responsibility of the bases. On the other hand, as maroons we must be very viligant with our own white power in Black or Afro-Colombian faces. As WINNIE MANDIKIZELA  said,our work is not to consume information in the complaint, but to organize the Field Negro or Africans for the self-determination and understanding of the Kilombo, from a new pedagogical analysis, a pan-Africanist political pedagogy of our African internationalism.

We think the following: We condemn the murders and crimes of the Colombian State against African social Africans leaders with the complicit silence of the EFE Agency, AECID, SEGIB, OEA and international organizations. We support the demands of the African people of Colombia for which we demand REPARATION. At the same time we want to invite the militant sisters and the whole of the Colombian black movement to a necessary and deep reflection. Afro-Colombians carry out a mere struggle without Afro CORRESPONSIBILITY or self-recognition. Lacking a principle of legitimacy with the true vanguard and Internationalist solidarity that since Durban 2001 has given voice to the struggles in Europe. We cannot be Spokesmen from Spain for leaders who make our struggles and efforts profitable as a vanguard, from implicit denial.


We have not invented anything, many other maroons before us have been fighting for African liberation in Colombia. This is a process.Thanks to the brave and successful protests campaing  led by Dr. Marino Valencia in Washington, Alvaro Uribe stopped killing Africans. He got him to appoint a Negroe sista as a first black minister of culture. We  promoted that victorious campaign in memebers of 4th International in France, Dakar, Paris, London, Ghana, Madrid, Barcelona, London. But the campaign was attacked and silenced by Pastor Elías Murillo Martinez - who was appointed by the government of Bogotá D.C., Vice-President Committee for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination · United Nations, who stated in UN Geneva verbatim that "Colombia is advancing, this government is good, there is no black genocide. The Pan-Africanists lie and are untrue" After That Pastor Elías came to Spain and denied the Maroons and he tried to made reference to the white political parties PODEMOS, PSOE and the so call Blacks leaders from the internet, a party that was never involved in the campaign. The black minister also ordered the Spanish police to expel the association of African journalists from Casa América in Madrid to stay with the whites Journalist. AfroColombian leaders themselves are part of the delegitimacy of the process, remember when Pacho Maturana, run away and he prefer to train Real Madrid than to represent Africans as congressmen


You have to be serious and they are missing Pastor Elías and Jenny de la Toore know that we exist and that it was the FVGEV who called the only marches against Boyaya crime in Madrid and Brussels and when CERD came to Spain, they sought to correspond with the invisible and non-real existent actors as Toasije or Yeison, only to deny legitimize REPARATION  work of FVGEV  who positioned the black or Afrocolombian question as an actor on the Spanish agenda of the European Union Vienna, Geneva, Israel and the African Union. In order to delegitimize our Pan-Africanist cause in Europe. As a consequence of the protests of FVGEV with congressman Steve Cohen and the law of cooperation with Afro peoples (reparation PNL).


The FVGEV obtained visas with diplomatic status for Afro-Colombians as consultants to travel and reestablish themselves in Washington, and to be able to denounce the genocide before these international bodies, however these, rather, have sought to legitimize the Colombian government of Pastor Elias, through silence, delegitimizing the Pan-Africanist process, without denouncing the crimes of the Colombian government. Today there are Africans who come to Spain from Colombia to collect money at Fundacion Carolina  (Jenny de la Torre, PCN, Piedad Cordoba) but once in Spain they all distance themselves millimetrically from the people who profuse those scenarios:FVGEV. And now when that istorical  colonial repression against Africans in Colombiabreaks out, where are they?They denied us when it was FVGEV, Dr Alarcon who managed these grants before the Spanish cooperation agency. This situation seems very contradictory to us and explains very well the manifest inability to date to implement Law 70 or the destruction of Afroamerica 21, headed by Dr Rosalba Castillo.


The young beatifull activist brother Cesar Cabezas, as African student leader movement was invited to the  RBG Garvey  flag Afrika Liberation Day 2020, since then a year has passed. if the comrade were coherent, his co-responsibility would be his with the 4th Garveyists International. But it seeks to refer to Isabel Mamadou and kwaanza.Isabel Mamadou is a young woman who has no process for us and that a white NGO called MPDL, pocketed the official money that the State allocated to the Afro-descendant decade and to cover up this scam to the black organizations and community that did not see a single euro or are impoverished , the master chose Isabel among the many black students without knowledge or leadership to have white power in black faces, and thus destroy the black movement that led in Geneva to the approval of the decade of the decade. They didnt played no roll in the strugle for reparation in Spàin. We, as a Pan-Africanist Garveyista, we alienate ourselves with the European slave state and its complicit uncles tom, while these organizations that defected Dr Juan de Dios in a hotel in Madrid, sista Marcia Santa Cruz, enjoy the legitimacy of Dr. Mosquera. This is schizophrenic and Negroe neocolonial political tradition . Well, it should be these organizations with ephemeral leaders, moderates and followers of William Du Bois such as Toasije, Marcia, Yeison or Laura Vitoria and other actors without process or social base, that Pastor Elias wants to refer to in Spain, go out to protest in European capitals to protect the lives of black leaders exposed to Duque's terrorist state. Black leaders in Colombia must start with legitimizing the Black Movement of Spain that gives them sustenance, protection, legitimacy, support and voice and not go after the money of the white NGOs that have never denounced the black genociders, but neither do they seek to legitimize uncle. tom that they represent nothing nor do they have the will to be anything. From the Pan-Africanist Women's Network our reference in Europe and ECOSOC is with the FVGEV project. We cannot and do not want to be a spokesperson for a black sentiment that is unrequited OR LOYAL, as this profoundly distorts the Pan-Africanist creed, the Black Movement and Garveyist consciousness and the vanguard role of women within the 4th movement. Pan-Africanist International, Cimarrón.


Africans have been assassinated for decades, not only in Colombia throughout Latin America by the criminal State, the guerrillas, the mafia, which are the same political parties from the left and the right. Therefore, the black Afro-Colombians who come out with Colombian flags, or put on their facebook profile "we are all Colombia", are PENDEJOS, they have not understood the historical materialism of this anti-colonial and African struggle because of our self-destruction of what Marcus Garvey called fundamentalism. African. This struggle is not meant to be more Colombian because that means death, misery, oppression, hunger, unemployment, whiteness, coloniality, sexism, rapes and killings like Boyaya and others.

From the FVGEV we invite Afro-Colombians to be Africans, only then will they understand their role in this struggle and secondly, to debate without fear among ourselves eutoreference, self-recognition and Afrocentrism. It is only in this way that we can conform our complicity of a certain black elite with this oppressive state. State of violence that is not new for the blacks who, as Colombians, killed and raped us since they brought us in shame from Malabo, Dakar, Luanda, Ghana, Cameroon, Gambia, from our mother Africa, because Colombia was created with the blood of slavers of the Negroes and for Colombia to continue operating, the Negro genocide is the fuel of that institutional machinery. And to confront the Eurocentric white supremacist criminal state of Colombia and its crillola elites with power banks in black faces, we need an Afro-centered pedagogical foundation or decolonial political theory, based on our Palenkera experience and as maroons we affirm that our parasitic oppression as blacks was born to through the attack, massive rapes of African women, genocide like those of Boyaya, displaced persons, murder of more than 7,000 trade unionists and black leaders and exploitation of Africa and its people, who are we called Afro-descendants. and all the riches that Colombia has got them based on exploiting us, enslaving us, robbing us and betraying us like Simon Bolivar did. Therefore, as Durban 2001 stated, we demand reparation and not favors, friendships or begging for love from our oppressive targets of the conservative, liberal or liberal party. 


In 1912 Marcus Garvey and Carlos Cook went to Colombia.  Our flag is RBG, we invite the African youth of Colombia to raise and be very vigilant with the leaders, uncle Tom who are trying to silence the struggles and black voices to present them as a national unit for Colombia. We are not united and we never were, we were and are the slaves. Theara 2 colombia one white, rich and opulent with Spanish surnames, very racist of white supremacy, very oppressive, violent, armed to the teeth, paramilitaries and guerrillas. Another Colombia is African who is 40% of the population, wit salsa, ballenato, reggetoon, impoverished, miserable and without political power that live with half a dollar per day with many African mothers who do not know how to feed their black children because they do not find employment for blacks people in the hotels or beaches of Baranquilla or Cartagena- Two or three NICE blacks do not change the present reality of poverty and oppression of Africans in places like Cali, Cartagena, Puerto Tejada, Choco, and the rest of the country. A black community teacher charges 3 times less than a white teacher. These black leaders are traitors that we all know in state agencies and UN international forums, such as Pastor Elias, have been there with the different governments (Uribe, Santos, Duque) and have never denounced the black genocide to international organizations. They are white power in black faces, nothing has changed and their mission is to depoliticize and deactivate our claims as blacks and falsify them in Colombians, that is, to whiten them. As Steve Biko said, without self-recognition thematic unit and above all co-responsibility there is no process.



Long live The African kilombo struggles for self determination  in Colombia 


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