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 32th Anniversary of Pan-Africanist Movement in Spain. 
21 th March 12:00h Rally South África Embassy Spain  claudio Coello 91 Madrid. Metro ruben dario



During 2017, we the marrons of Spain, we commemorated the great historical success that began in Madrid in 1986, when a group of African students, head by Marcelino Bondjale, full of illusion and committed to breast mama Winnie Mandela-Mandikizela, and belonging to the Free Mandela group of Madrid. Before the criminal impunity and Asseses Pether Botha Apartheid state, decided the execution of Benjamin Moloise. As a sign of protest they decided to take the tourism office of Apartheid in Madrid. As a result of this heroic and courageous action many young men and women were threatened with Kalasnikov firearms by white South African officials, others detained, expelled from the High School, imprisoned and others lost their scholarships. Here born in Spain a new political movement with form of struggle diferents that illusioned thousands of black youths -studients and African women and since that time has changed and improved the livelihoods of blacks of the countryside in Spain. This is the Panafricanism-garveyism-cimarron.

At that time we believed that conditions existed for the total victory before the boerismo for atrves of democratic political means we could obtain the victory and the reparation n ... and therefore that was a vision visioned of the situation. Secondly, we said that we had the time-certified impression that there was a process of claudication and betrayal of Uncle Tom against the African working class and the aspirations for social justice of our mothers by sectors of pan-Africanism and that we could only stop them by means of Construction in Spain of a popular Afrocentric block and maroon, to the left of Mandela who was sparing the right moment to be able to dispute the hegemony to Uncle Tom (not only in the streets but also in the institutions) and to lead the Black movement, From a Pan-Africanist garveyist process for the reparation. After the years, there is a black base of the field that despite the difficulties, we continue to fight as Chris Hanni said for the Black Power for the poorest and the ... that is the goal for which we have fought 32 years. What is happening in South Africa today is the nightmare of our mothers, and the attitude of indifference African dictatorships to immigration, have given us the reason.

On the occasion of this anniversary and the reactionary policies, neocolonialists and anti panafricanista and antigarveyist, carried out by the different governments Uncle Tom of South Africa, against the black women, the youth, black population, immigrant and African working class from bordering countries. The black South African leaders are launching the same policies that they themselves suffered during Apartheid and Donald Trump in the US, AND PRECISELY against those who in the past made a huge international effort to defeat Apartheid. While the Europeans and whites receive visas and residence permits as well as luxury by the current government in the hands of the black elite Housse Negroe, such as Zuma and kneeling blacks who have stormed the institutions forgetting the enormous sacrifice that for more than 5 decades, Millions of Freedom fighters performed the count of the tyranny of the Apartehid, without whose effort Nelson Mandela, had never been released. This is intolerable and we say, it is enough to torture the memory of Crish Hanni, Steve Biko, Robert Sobukwe, Samora Machel, Tcham Bissa, Dr Arcelin, Ana Nzinga, Gadaffi, Sankara, Marcus Garvey and Millions of deads or forced into hiding or exile.

 The reflection that we made in the office of lawyer Djondjo Muadakuku, that historic day was: if Mandela leaves jail and advances as advanced the ideological and epistemological moral disarmament, the CNA program will be liquidated, and with it, the struggle. And if we go home: the efforts of our mothers who scrub soils giving the 6% salary to the cause to see the freedom of Nelson Mandela, will not have served anything. And we were not wrong

During these 32 years both BENJAMIN MOLOISE and the Pan-Africanis Maroons Movement, have been a strong reference of continuity, dignity and example for our children and Hip-Hop Generation. From the 4th International Garveyist (Pan-Africanista-Cimarron) we want to remind the heroes and brave young Africans students who, one day like today, took over the tourism offices of the criminal Apartheid in Madrid. We call on all citizens to celebrate the 32th Anniversary of the death of the poet BENJAMIN MOLOISE and others antiApartheid heroes and the founding of the Pan-African Movement in Spain.

Before this irresponsibility of the African governments, we say that the struggle for justice, liberation and unity of all Africans at home and abroad continues. On 21 March, the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, WE REMEMBER SOWETO. On a day like this the Pan-Africanist organizations of the world call on all Africans to stand in front of every South African embassy everywhere to protest for the unjustifiable criminal acts against the migrants in South Africa. We make this appeal to urge the South African people and their Negroe leaders to stop the harassment of migrants in South Africa. That is our responsibility.

As Bob Marley said- continue the fight.

RALLY  at the embassy south africa Spain street claudio coello 91 madrid. Metro ruben dario

Dr Mbolo Etofili 
National political Speaker


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